These are tables of members of the California State Legislature (California State Senate and California State Assembly).
Background colors show their stated political party affiliation, according to the following table:
California State Senate
Senate Session |
District |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |
8th |
9th |
10th |
11th |
12th |
13th |
14th |
15th |
16th |
17th |
18th |
19th |
20th |
21st |
22nd |
23rd |
24th |
25th |
26th |
27th |
28th |
29th |
30th |
31st |
32nd |
33rd |
34th |
35th |
36th |
37th |
38th |
39th |
40th |
36th (1905) |
Thomas Selvage |
Clifford Coggins |
John Irish |
John Stanford |
Benjamin F. Rush |
Marshall Diggs |
James McKee |
Edward F. Woodward |
Charles Belshaw |
William C. Ralston, Jr. |
August Muenter |
John Curtin |
John Mattos |
M. W. Simpson |
George Lukens |
Frank W. Leavitt |
Frank Markey |
Harry Bunkers |
Richard J. Welch |
Frank French |
Edward I. Wolfe |
Hamilton Bauer |
George Keane |
Philip Haskins |
John H. Nelson |
Chester Rowell |
Eli Wright |
Charles Shortridge |
Samuel H. Rambo |
William T. Leeke |
Henry W. Lynch |
E. J. Emmons |
Charles Greenwell |
William H. Savage |
Howard Broughton |
Benjamin Hahn |
Henry E. Carter |
Cornelius Pendleton |
John M. Anderson |
Martin Ward |
37th (1907) |
George Rolley |
Abner Weed |
Albert Boynton |
Walter F. Price |
Anthony Caminetti |
Clem Bates |
Daniel Reily |
Thomas J. Kennedy |
Gus Hartman |
Marc Anthony |
George W. Cartwright |
George S. Walker |
Marshall Black |
Henry M. Willis |
E. O. Miller |
Charles W. Bell |
Henry Hurd |
H. S. G. McCartney |
Leroy Wright |
38th (1909) |
Charles Cutten |
E. S. Birdsall |
Charles Bills |
Ennio Martinelli |
John T. Lewis |
Edward Strobridge |
John W. Stetson |
Thomas Finn |
John P. Hare |
Lester Burnett |
James Holohan |
Archibald E. Campbell |
Louis Roseberry |
Newton Thompson |
Miguel Estudillo |
39th (1911) |
T. W. H. Shanahan |
Louis Juilliard |
George Hans |
Edward J. Tyrrell |
Daniel Regan |
Edward F. Bryant |
John J. Cassidy |
Dominick Beban |
John Avey |
E. O. Larkins |
Lee Gates |
Leslie R. Hewitt |
40th (1913) |
William Kehoe |
Philip Cohn |
James C. Owens |
William Flint |
Arthur H. Breed, Sr. |
Archibald E. Campbell |
Edwin Grant |
Fred Gerdes |
Thomas Finn |
David Mott |
Frank H. Benson |
Henry Lyon |
Edwin Butler |
Prescott Cogswell |
William J. Carr |
William E. Brown |
John N. Anderson |
41st (1915) |
William Shearer |
Claude Purkett |
W. E. Duncan, Jr. |
Herbert W. Slater |
J. W. Stuckenbrack |
L. J. Maddux |
Edward J. Tyrrell |
Dominick Beban |
William Seward Scott |
John Joseph Crowley |
Lawrence J. Flaherty |
W. F. Chandler |
Herbert C. Jones |
Lyman King |
J. L. C. Irwin |
Henry S. Benedict |
William J. Carr |
John W. Ballard |
Edgar Luce |
42nd (1917) |
Thomas Ingram |
J. M. Inman |
William Richard Sharkey |
M. B. Johnson |
Frank Carr |
Elmer Rigdon |
Victor Canepa |
Lester Burnett |
James Nealon |
Walter A. McDonald |
J. R. Thompson |
Harry A. Chamberlin |
Joseph Rominger |
Egbert Gates |
S. C. Evans |
43rd (1919) |
Frank Boggs |
Lewis Dennett |
Edwin Otis |
A. P. Anderson |
William Seward Scott |
John Joseph Crowley |
M. B. Harris |
Herbert C. Jones |
Dwight Hart |
Charles W. Lyon |
William J. Carr |
Henry Yonkin |
Edward Sample |
44th (1921) |
H. C. Nelson |
Charles Godsil |
F. A. Arbuckle |
A. E. Osborne |
Newton Allen |
Walter Eden |
45th (1923) |
F. J. Powers |
Fred Handy |
W. F. Gates |
T. C. West |
Edgar S. Hurley |
P. J. Gray |
Daniel C. Murphy |
Ralph Swing |
John Creighton |
A. Burlingame Johnson |
Charles H. V. Lewis |
46th (1925) |
E. H. Christian |
C. C. Baker |
Tallant Tubbs |
Roy Fellom |
Thomas A. Maloney |
J. James Hollister |
William Sanborn Young |
Joseph Pedrotti |
Cadet Taylor |
Herbert Johnston Evans |
Chester Kline |
47th (1927) |
James M. Allen |
Ray Jones |
J. C. Garrison |
Charles H. Cobb |
James Wagy |
Frank Weller |
J. W. McKinley |
Edwin A. Mueller |
48th (1929) |
Bert Cassidy |
Thomas McCormack |
George C. Cleveland |
Walter Duval |
Henry E. Carter |
Frank Merriam |
George W. Rochester |
Nelson Edwards |
49th (1931) |
R. R. Ingels |
Charles Deuel |
John L. Moran |
William P. Rich |
Herbert W. Slater |
Roy Fellom |
Arthur H. Breed, Sr. |
Herbert C. Jones |
Bradford Crittenden |
David F. Bush |
Andrew Schottky |
Dan E. Williams |
Joe Riley |
Ray Hays |
Frank Mixter |
James Wagy |
Ralph Swing |
William E. Harper |
50th (1933) |
Harold J. Powers |
Harry A. Perry |
John B. McColl |
Jerrold Seawell |
A. L. Pierovich |
Frank L. Gordon |
Charles Reindollar |
Thomas McCormack |
William Richard Sharkey |
J. M. Inman |
Harry Parkman |
Bert Snyder |
Edward Tickle |
Charles King |
Chris N. Jespersen |
Edgar Stow |
Walter Duval |
Nelson Edwards |
Leonard Difani |
Ben Hulse |
51st (1935) |
Henry McGuinness |
George Milton Biggar |
Jack Metzger |
Walter McGovern |
William F. Knowland |
William Sanborn Young |
J. C. Garrison |
Karl Keough |
Culbert Olson |
Ed Fletcher |
52nd (1937) |
James M. Allen |
Irwin Quinn |
Thomas F. Keating |
Truman DeLap |
Roy J. Nielsen |
James Holohan |
Robert Roy Cunningham |
J. James Hollister |
James J. McBride |
Harry Clay Westover |
John J. Phillips |
Edward H. Law |
53rd (1939) |
Randolph Collier |
Jesse Carter |
John Shelley |
Arthur H. Breed, Jr. |
John D. Foley |
Peter Myhand |
Jesse Mayo |
Charles Brown |
Robert W. Kenny |
54th (1941) |
Oliver Jesse Carter |
H. E. Dillinger |
John Harold Swan |
H. R. Judah |
Clarence Ward |
Thomas Kuchel |
E. George Luckey |
55th (1943) |
Clair Engle |
Byrl Salsman |
Hugh P. Donnelly |
George J. Hatfield |
Hugh M. Burns |
Jess Dorsey |
Ralph Swing |
Jack Tenney |
56th (1945) |
Louis G. Sutton |
Earl D. Desmond |
Frederick Weybret |
Nelson Dilworth |
Ben Hulse |
1947 |
Burt Busch |
Gerald O'Gara |
J. Howard Williams |
Clyde A. Watson |
Ralph Swing |
Jack Tenney |
Fred Kraft |
1948 |
Harry Drobish |
Allen G. Thurman |
Clarence Tauzer |
1949 |
Michael J. Burns |
Edwin J. Regan |
Harold T. Johnson |
Nathan F. Coombs |
F. Presley Abshire |
Luther E. Gibson |
George Miller, Jr. |
Clyde A. Watson |
1950 |
Arthur W. Way |
1951 |
Paul L. Byrne |
Ed C. Johnson |
F. Presley Abshire |
John F. McCarthy |
John F. Thompson |
Verne Hoffman |
James E. Cunningham |
1952 |
1953 |
Swift Berry |
Nathan F. Coombs |
John F. McCarthy |
Donald L. Grunsky |
Stephen Teale |
Robert I. Montgomery |
Alan Erhart |
John A. Murdy, Jr. |
1954 |
Dale C. Williams |
1955 |
Dale C. Williams |
James Busch |
Robert McCarthy |
Alan Short |
James A. Cobey |
Fred Farr |
Richard B. Richards |
1956 |
Stanley Arnold |
John J. Hollister, Jr. |
1957 |
Carl L. Christensen Jr. |
Nathan F. Coombs |
Richard J. Dolwig |
John William Beard |
1958 |
1959 |
Randolph Collier |
Waverly Jack Slattery |
Ronald G. Cameron |
Gene McAteer |
John W. Holmdahl |
Albert S. Rodda |
Walter W. Stiern |
Stanford C. Shaw |
1960 |
1961 |
John C. Begovich |
Samuel R. Geddes |
Joseph A. Rattigan |
Robert D. Williams |
Vernon L. Sturgeon |
Lee Backstrand |
Aaron W. Quick |
Hugo Fisher |
1962 |
Alvin C. Weingand |
1963 |
Frank S. Petersen |
Stan Pittman |
Virgil O'Sullivan |
Harold Thomas Sedgwick |
Clark L. Bradley |
William Symons, Jr. |
Howard Way |
Robert J. Lagomarsino |
Eugene G. Nisbet |
Thomas M. Rees |
Jack Schrade |
1964 |
Paul J. Lunardi |
1965 |
Fred W. Marler, Jr. |
John G. Schmitz |
Gordon Cologne |
1966 |
1967 |
Randolph Collier |
Fred W. Marler, Jr. |
Stephen Teale |
John F. McCarthy |
Albert S. Rodda |
Alan Short |
George Miller, Jr. |
Lewis F. Sherman |
Gene McAteer |
George Moscone |
Nicholas C. Petris |
Richard J. Dolwig |
Alfred Alquist |
Clark L. Bradley |
Howard Way |
Hugh M. Burns |
Donald L. Grunsky |
Walter W. Stiern |
H. L. Richardson |
William Coombs |
John L. Harmer |
Tom C. Carrell |
Lou Cusanovich |
Robert J. Lagomarsino |
Robert S. Stevens |
Anthony Beilenson |
George E. Danielson |
Alfred H. Song |
Mervyn Dymally |
Lawrence E. Walsh |
James Q. Wedworth |
Ralph C. Dills |
Joseph M. Kennick |
John G. Schmitz |
James Edward Whetmore |
Gordon Cologne |
George Deukmejian |
Clair Burgener |
Jack Schrade |
James R. Mills |
1968 |
Milton Marks |
1969 |
1970 |
1971 |
Peter H. Behr |
John A. Nejedly |
John W. Holmdahl |
Arlen F. Gregorio |
George Zenovich |
Dennis Carpenter |
1972 |
1973-1974 |
Clare Berryhill |
Alan Robbins |
David A. Roberti |
W. Craig Biddle |
John Stull |
1975-1976 |
Peter H. Behr |
John F. Dunlap |
George Moscone |
Arlen F. Gregorio |
Jerry Smith |
George Zenovich |
Walter W. Stiern |
Omer L. Rains |
Alan Robbins |
Newton Russell |
Anthony Beilenson |
Alex P. Garcia |
Alfred H. Song |
Ralph C. Dills |
Bill Greene |
Nate Holden |
Ruben S. Ayala |
Robert Presley |
Dennis Carpenter |
1977-1978 |
Ray E. Johnson |
Albert S. Rodda |
Milton Marks |
John Francis Foran |
Nicholas C. Petris |
Alfred Alquist |
John Garamendi |
Rose Ann Vuich |
Robert P. Nimmo |
Lou Cusanovich |
Alan Sieroty |
David A. Roberti |
H. L. Richardson |
Robert G. Beverly |
George Deukmejian |
Bill Campbell |
John V. Briggs |
Paul Carpenter |
Bob Wilson |
1979-1980 |
Barry Keene |
Jim Nielsen |
Marz Garcia |
Ken Maddy |
Joseph B. Montoya |
Diane Watson |
Ollie Speraw |
John G. Schmitz |
William A. Craven |
1981-1982 |
John Doolittle |
Daniel E. Boatwright |
Dan O'Keefe |
Henry J. Mello |
Edward M. Davis |
James L. Ellis |
1983-1984 |
John Doolittle |
Milton Marks |
John Garamendi |
Leroy F. Greene |
John Francis Foran |
Bill Lockyer |
Ray E. Johnson |
Dan McCorquodale |
Alfred Alquist |
Gary K. Hart |
Herschel Rosenthal |
Art Torres |
Bill Greene |
Diane Watson |
Robert G. Beverly |
Ralph C. Dills |
Bill Campbell |
Ed Royce |
Paul Carpenter |
Ruben S. Ayala |
John F. Seymour |
Robert Presley |
Ollie Speraw |
Wadie P. Deddeh |
1985-1986 |
Becky Morgan |
Marian Bergeson |
1987-1988 |
Quentin L. Kopp |
Don Rogers |
1989-1990 |
Milton Marks |
Bill Leonard |
Cecil Green |
Larry Stirling |
1991-1992 |
Mike Thompson |
Patrick Johnston |
Charles Calderon |
Frank C. Hill |
Lucy Killea |
1993-1994 |
Tim Leslie |
Mike Thompson |
Maurice Johannessen |
Tom Campbell |
Dick Monteith |
Henry J. Mello |
Phil Wyman |
Don Rogers |
Jack O'Connell |
Cathie Wright |
Tom Hayden |
Hilda Solis |
Terry Hughes |
Diane Watson |
Robert G. Beverly |
Ralph C. Dills |
Frank C. Hill |
Charles Calderon |
Bill Leonard |
Ruben S. Ayala |
John Lewis |
Rob Hurtt |
Marian Bergeson |
Ray Haynes |
David G. Kelley |
Lucy Killea |
Steve Peace |
1995-1996 |
Byron Sher |
Jim Costa |
Herschel Rosenthal |
Richard Polanco |
Richard Mountjoy |
Ross Johnson |
1997-1998 |
John L. Burton |
Richard K. Rainey |
Barbara Lee |
John Vasconcellos |
Bruce McPherson |
William Joseph "Pete" Knight |
Adam Schiff |
Betty Karnette |
Jim Brulte |
Dede Alpert |
1999-2000 |
Wesley Chesbro |
Deborah Ortiz |
Jackie Speier |
Don Perata |
Liz Figueroa |
Charles Poochigian |
Richard Alarcon |
Kevin Murray |
Debra Bowen |
Martha Escutia |
Joe Baca |
Joe Dunn |
Bill Morrow |
2001-2002 |
Thomas "Rico" Oller |
Michael Machado |
Tom Torlakson |
Tom McClintock |
Jack Scott |
Sheila Kuehl |
Gloria Romero |
Edward Vincent |
Bob Margett |
Nell Soto |
Dick Ackerman |
Jim Battin |
2003-2004 |
Sam Aanestad |
Jeff Denham |
Dean Florez |
Roy Ashburn |
Gil Cedillo |
Dennis Hollingsworth |
Denise Moreno Ducheny |
2005-2006 |
Dave Cox |
Carole Migden |
Joe Simitian |
Elaine Alquist |
Abel Maldonado |
George Runner |
Alan Lowenthal |
Robert Dutton |
John Campbell |
Christine Kehoe |
2007-2008 |
Pat Wiggins |
Darrell Steinberg |
Leland Yee |
Ellen Corbett |
Dave Cogdill |
Alex Padilla |
Mark Ridley-Thomas |
Jenny Oropeza |
Ronald S. Calderon |
Gloria Negrete McLeod |
Lou Correa |
Tom Harman |
Mark Wyland |
2009-2010 |
Mark Leno |
Lois Wolk |
Mark DeSaulnier |
Loni Hancock |
Tony Strickland |
Carol Liu |
Fran Pavley |
Rod Wright |
Curren Price |
Bob Huff |
Mimi Walters |
John J. Benoit |
2011-2012 |
Ted Gaines |
Noreen Evans |
Doug LaMalfa |
Anthony Cannella |
Tom Berryhill |
Sam Blakeslee |
Michael Rubio |
Sharon Runner |
Jean Fuller |
Kevin de León |
Edward Hernández |
Ted Lieu |
Joel Anderson |
Bill Emmerson |
Juan Vargas |
2013-2014 |
Lois Wolk |
Jim Nielsen |
Cathleen Galgiani |
Mark Leno |
Jerry Hill |
Jim Beall |
Bill Monning |
Hannah-Beth Jackson |
Steve Knight |
Bill Emmerson |
Carol Liu |
Fran Pavley |
Richard Roth |
Vacant |
Ricardo Lara |
Roderick Wright |
Mimi Walters |
Marty Block |
Ben Hueso |
Senate Session |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |
8th |
9th |
10th |
11th |
12th |
13th |
14th |
15th |
16th |
17th |
18th |
19th |
20th |
21st |
22nd |
23rd |
24th |
25th |
26th |
27th |
28th |
29th |
30th |
31st |
32nd |
33rd |
34th |
35th |
36th |
37th |
38th |
39th |
40th |
District |
California State Assembly
Assembly Session |
District |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |
8th |
9th |
10th |
11th |
12th |
13th |
14th |
15th |
16th |
17th |
18th |
19th |
20th |
21st |
22nd |
23rd |
24th |
25th |
26th |
27th |
28th |
29th |
30th |
31st |
32nd |
33rd |
34th |
35th |
36th |
37th |
38th |
39th |
40th |
41st |
42nd |
43rd |
44th |
45th |
46th |
47th |
48th |
49th |
50th |
51st |
52nd |
53rd |
54th |
55th |
56th |
57th |
58th |
59th |
60th |
61st |
62nd |
63rd |
64th |
65th |
66th |
67th |
68th |
69th |
70th |
71st |
72nd |
73rd |
74th |
75th |
76th |
77th |
78th |
79th |
80th |
1969 |
Pauline Davis |
Frank P. Belotti |
Leroy F. Greene |
Ray E. Johnson |
John F. Dunlap |
Gene Chappie |
Bill Bagley |
Walter W. Powers |
Edwin L. Z’berg |
James W. Dent |
John T. Knox |
Robert T. Monagan |
Carlos Bee |
Robert W. Crown |
March Fong Eu |
Don Mulford |
John J. Miller |
Willie Brown |
Leo T. McCarthy |
John L. Burton |
Gordon W. Duffy |
George W. Milias |
John Francis Foran |
John Vasconcellos |
Earle P. Crandall |
Carl A. Britschgi |
Leo Ryan |
Kent H. Stacey |
William M. Ketchum |
John Veneman |
Frank Murphy, Jr. |
George Zenovich |
Ernest Mobley |
Alan Pattee |
John Briggs |
W. Don MacGillivray |
Ken MacDonald |
Carley V. Porter |
James A. Hayes |
Alex P. Garcia |
Henry Arklin |
Bob Moretti |
Carlos Moorhead |
Mike Cullen |
Walter J. Karabian |
Robert G. Beverly |
Frank D. Lanterman |
David A. Roberti |
Peter F. Schabarum |
Bill Campbell |
Jack R. Fenton |
Floyd L. Wakefield |
Bill Greene |
Bud Collier |
Leon D. Ralph |
Charles Warren |
Charles J. Conrad |
Harvey Johnson |
Alan Sieroty |
Paul V. Priolo |
Henry Waxman |
Newton R. Russell |
Yvonne Brathwaite Burke |
Patrick McGee |
Jesse M. Unruh |
Joe A. Gonsalves |
Larry Townsend |
Vincent Thomas |
Kenneth Cory |
Robert H. Burke |
Robert Badham |
John Quimby |
Jerry Lewis |
W. Craig Biddle |
Victor Veysey |
Pete Wilson |
Wadie P. Deddeh |
E. Richard Barnes |
Tom Hom |
John Stull |
1970 |
Clare Berryhill |
Bob Wood |
1971 |
Kenneth A. Meade |
Richard D. Hayden |
Alister McAlister |
Dixon Arnett |
Ernest LaCoste |
Ken Maddy |
Jim Keysor |
Bob Cline |
David C. Pierson |
Raymond T. "Ray" Seely |
Peter R. "Pete" Chacon |
1972 |
Bill Brophy |
Bill Lancaster |
Bob Wilson |
1973-1974 |
Barry Keene |
Daniel E. Boatwright |
Lou Papan |
Raymond Gonzales |
Robert P. Nimmo |
John E. Thurman |
Bill Bond |
Michael D. Antonovich |
Richard Alatorre |
Howard Berman |
Julian C. Dixon |
Frank Holoman |
Walter M. Ingalls |
Lawrence Kapiloff |
1975-1976 |
Gene Chappie |
Edwin L. Z'berg |
Eugene Gualco |
Leroy F. Greene |
John Garamendi |
Alfred Siegler |
Michael Wornum |
Kenneth Meade |
John J. Miller |
Bill Lockyer |
Carlos Bee |
John Francis Foran |
Willie Brown |
Leo T. McCarthy |
Lou Papan |
Dixon Arnett |
Victor Calvo |
John Vasconcellos |
Leona H. Egeland |
Carmen Perino |
John E. Thurman |
Frank Murphy, Jr. |
Ken Maddy |
Ernest Mobley |
Gordon W. Duffy |
Bill Thomas |
Larry Chimbole |
Gary K. Hart |
Ken MacDonald |
Robert C. Cline |
Paul Priolo |
Jim Keysor |
Tom Bane |
Michael D. Antonovich |
Frank Lanterman |
Howard Berman |
Alan Sieroty |
Herschel Rosenthal |
Charles Warren |
Bill Greene |
Leon Ralph |
Julian C. Dixon |
Curtis Tucker, Sr. |
Robert G. Beverly |
Vincent Thomas |
Paul T. Bannai |
Frank Vicencia |
Richard Alatorre |
Art Torres |
Mike Cullen |
Fred Chel |
Jack R. Fenton |
Joseph B. Montoya |
Bud Collier |
Bill Lancaster |
Bob McLennan |
Bill Campbell |
Bill McVittie |
Terry Goggin |
Jerry Lewis |
Walter M. Ingalls |
John Briggs |
Bruce Nestande |
Paul Carpenter |
Richard Robinson |
Robert H. Burke |
Robert Badham |
Tom Suitt |
William A. Craven |
Bob Wilson |
Lawrence Kapiloff |
Wadie P. Deddeh |
1977-1978 |
Stan Statham |
Victor H. Fazio |
Norman S. Waters |
Michael Gage |
Tom Bates |
Floyd Mori |
Art Agnos |
Henry J. Mello |
Carol Hallett |
Richard H. Lehman |
Charles R. Imbrecht |
Teresa P. "Terry" Hughes |
Maxine Waters |
Marilyn Ryan |
Bruce E. Young |
M. David "Dave" Stirling |
William E. Dannemeyer |
Chester B. "Chet" Wray |
Dennis Mangers |
Ronald Cordova |
James L. Ellis |
1979-1980 |
Douglas H. Bosco |
Thomas M. Hannigan |
Jean M. Moorhead |
Bill Filante |
Elihu M. Harris |
Bob Naylor |
Jim Costa |
Don Rogers |
Phil Wyman |
J. Robert Hayes |
Pat Nolan |
Bill Ivers |
Mel Levine |
Mike Roos |
Gwen Moore |
Gerald N. Felando |
Dave Elder |
Dennis L. Brown |
Sally Tanner |
Dick Mountjoy |
Bill Leonard |
Ross Johnson |
Marian Bergeson |
David G. Kelley |
Robert C. Frazee |
1981-1982 |
Wally Herger |
Don A. Sebastiani |
Bill Baker |
Bob Campbell |
Gib Marguth |
Byron D. Sher |
Ernest L. "Ernie" Konnyu |
Dom Cortese |
Patrick Johnston |
Sam Farr |
Cathie Wright |
Marian W. LaFollette |
Richard Katz |
Richard Floyd |
Marty Martinez |
Jim Cramer |
John Lewis |
Nolan Frizzelle |
Larry Stirling |
1983-1984 |
Dan Hauser |
Lloyd G. Connelly |
Phillip Isenberg |
Johan Klehs |
Bill Baker |
Alister McAlister |
Rusty Areias |
Gary A. Condit |
Eric Seastrand |
Bruce Bronzan |
Bill Jones |
Jack O'Connell |
Tom McClintock |
Dick Mountjoy |
Joseph Graham "Gray" Davis,
Jr. |
Tom Hayden |
Burt M. Margolin |
Gerald N. Felando |
Frank C. Hill |
Gloria Molina |
Charles Calderon |
Bill Leonard |
Ross Johnson |
Charles W. Bader |
John Lewis |
Steve Clute |
Nolan Frizzelle |
Marian Bergeson |
Doris Allen |
David G. Kelley |
Robert C. Frazee |
Joyce Mojonnier |
Bill Bradley |
Lucy Killea |
Stephen Peace |
1985-1986 |
Wayne R. Grisham |
Gerald R. "Jerry" Eaves |
Gil Ferguson |
1987-1988 |
Chris Chandler |
Tim Leslie |
Bev Hansen |
Delaine Eastin |
Jackie Speier |
Bill Duplissea |
Chuck Quackenbush |
Trice J. Harvey |
Terry B. Friedman |
Paul E. Zeltner |
Richard Polanco |
Dick Longshore |
1989-1990 |
John L. Burton |
Ted Lempert |
Willard H. Murray, Jr. |
Lucille Roybal-Allard |
Paul A. Woodruff |
Bob Epple |
Curt Pringle |
Carol Bentley |
1991-1992 |
B. T. Collins |
David Knowles |
Barbara Lee |
Dean Andal |
Sal Cannella |
Andrea Seastrand |
Paula Boland |
Marguerite Archie-Hudson |
Curtis Tucker, Jr. |
Paul Horcher |
Tom Mays |
Xavier Becerra |
Jim Brulte |
Tom Umberg |
Dede Alpert |
Tricia Hunter |
Mike Gotch |
1993-1994 |
Dan Hauser |
Stan Statham |
Bernie Richter |
David Knowles |
Barbara Alby |
Vivien Bronshvag |
Valerie K. Brown |
Thomas M. Hannigan |
Phillip Isenberg |
Larry Bowler |
John L. Burton |
Willie Brown |
Tom Bates |
Richard K. Rainey |
Barbara Lee |
Dean Andal |
Johan Klehs |
Delaine Eastin |
John Vasconcellos |
Dom Cortese |
Chuck Quackenbush |
Margaret Snyder |
Sal Cannella |
Bruce McPherson |
Rusty Areias |
Bill Jones |
Cruz Bustamante |
Trice Harvey |
Andrea Seastrand |
Kathleen Honeycutt |
Pete Knight |
Nao Takasugi |
Barbara Friedman |
Terry Friedman |
Burt Margolin |
Pat Nolan |
Bill Hoge |
Richard Polanco |
Louis Caldera |
Gwen Moore |
Diane Martinez |
Martha Escutia |
Curtis Tucker, Jr. |
Willard H. Murray, Jr. |
Debra Bowen |
Betty Karnette |
Juanita McDonald |
Bob Epple |
Hilda Solis |
Grace Napolitano |
Dick Mountjoy |
Paul Horcher |
Fred Aguiar |
Joe Baca |
Jim Brulte |
Ted Weggeland |
Paul A. Woodruff |
Ray Haynes |
Doris Allen |
Curt Pringle |
Tom Umberg |
Mickey Conroy |
Ross Johnson |
Bill Morrow |
Jan Goldsmith |
Mike Gotch |
Tom Connolly |
Dede Alpert |
Stephen Peace |
Julie Bornstein |
1995-1996 |
Tom Woods |
Thomas "Rico" Oller |
Kerry Mazzoni |
Michael Machado |
Michael Sweeney |
Liz Figueroa |
Dom Cortese |
Jim Cunneen |
George House |
Peter Frusetta |
Charles Poochigian |
Brian Setencich |
Tom J. Bordonaro, Jr. |
Keith Olberg |
Brooks Firestone |
Sheila Kuehl |
Wally Knox |
James E. Rogan |
Antonio Villaraigosa |
Kevin Murray |
Steven T. Kuykendall |
Dick Floyd |
Phil Hawkins |
Martin Gallegos |
Bob Margett |
Brett Granlund |
Bruce Thompson |
Scott Baugh |
Jim Morrissey |
Marilyn Brewer |
Dick Ackerman |
Howard Kaloogian |
Susan Davis |
Steve Baldwin |
Denise Moreno Ducheny |
Jim Battin |
1997-1998 |
Virginia Strom-Martin |
Helen Thomson |
Deborah Ortiz |
Tom Torlakson |
Kevin Shelley |
Carole Migden |
Dion Aroner |
Lynne Leach |
Don Perata |
Lou Papan |
Ted Lempert |
Elaine Alquist |
Mike Honda |
Dennis Cardoza |
Fred Keeley |
Robert Prenter |
Roy Ashburn |
George Runner |
Tom McClintock |
Tony Cardenas |
Robert Hertzberg |
Scott Wildman |
Jack Scott |
Gil Cedillo |
Rod Wright |
Edward Vincent |
Carl Washington |
Sally Havice |
Gary Miller |
Bill Leonard |
Rod Pacheco |
Bill Campbell |
Howard Wayne |
1999-2000 |
Richard Dickerson |
Samuel M. Aanestad |
Dave Cox |
Pat Wiggins |
Darrell Steinberg |
Anthony Pescetti |
Audie Bock |
Ellen M. Corbett |
John A. Dutra |
Mike Briggs |
Dean Florez |
Sarah Reyes |
Abel Maldonado |
Hannah-Beth Jackson |
Tony Strickland |
Herb Wesson |
Gloria Romero |
Marco Antonio Firebaugh |
George Nakano |
Alan Lowenthal |
Thomas Calderon |
Bob Pacheco |
Nell Soto |
John Longville |
Ken Maddox |
Lou Correa |
Patricia C. Bates |
Charlene Zettel |
2001-2002 |
Tim Leslie |
Joseph Nation |
Joe Canciamilla |
Wilma Chan |
Barbara S. Matthews |
S. Joseph Simitian |
Manny Diaz |
Rebecca Cohn |
Dave Cogdill |
Simon Salinas |
Phil Wyman |
Keith Richman |
Fran Pavley |
Paul Koretz |
Dario Frommer |
Carol Liu |
Jackie Goldberg |
Judy Chu |
Jerome Horton |
Jenny Oropeza |
Ed Chavez |
Dennis Mountjoy |
Gloria Negrete McLeod |
Russ Bogh |
Dennis Hollingsworth |
Tom Harman |
John Campbell |
Lynn Daucher |
Mark Wyland |
Christine Kehoe |
Jay La Suer |
Juan Vargas |
David G. Kelley |
2003-2004 |
Patty Berg |
Doug La Malfa |
Rick Keene |
Lois Wolk |
Alan Nakanishi |
Leland Yee |
Mark Leno |
Loni Hancock |
Guy S. Houston |
Gene Mullin |
Sally J. Lieber |
Greg Aghazarian |
John Laird |
Steven N. Samuelian |
Nicole Parra |
Kevin McCarthy |
Bill Maze |
Sharon Runner |
Cindy Montañez |
Lloyd E. Levine |
Fabian Núñez |
Mark Ridley-Thomas |
Mervyn M. Dymally |
Rudy Bermúdez |
Ronald Calderon |
Robert Dutton |
John J. Benoit |
Ray Haynes |
Todd Spitzer |
George A. Plescia |
Shirley Horton |
Bonnie Garcia |
2005-2006 |
Roger Niello |
Noreen Evans |
Dave Jones |
Johan Klehs |
Alberto Torrico |
Ira Ruskin |
Joe Coto |
Michael Villines |
Juan Arambula |
Sam Blakeslee |
Pedro Nava |
Audra Strickland |
Karen Bass |
Hector De La Torre |
Mike Gordon |
Betty Karnette |
Bob Huff |
Joe Baca, Jr. |
Bill Emmerson |
Van Tran |
Tom Umberg |
Chuck DeVore |
Mimi Walters |
Lori Saldaña |
2007-2008 |
Ted Gaines |
Jared Huffman |
Mark DeSaulnier |
Fiona Ma |
Sandre Swanson |
Cathleen Galgiani |
Mary Hayashi |
Jim Beall, Jr. |
Tom Berryhill |
Anna M. Caballero |
Jean Fuller |
Cameron Smyth |
Felipe Fuentes |
Julia Brownley |
Mike Feuer |
Paul Krekorian |
Anthony Portantino |
Kevin de León |
Mike Davis |
Mike Eng |
Curren Price |
Ted Lieu |
Laura Richardson |
Tony Mendoza |
Edward Hernández |
Charles Calderon |
Anthony Adams |
Nell Soto |
Wilmer Carter |
Paul Cook |
Kevin Jeffries |
Jim Silva |
Jose Solorio |
Michael D. Duvall |
Martin Garrick |
Joel Anderson |
Mary Salas |
2009-2010 |
Wesley Chesbro |
Jim Nielsen |
Dan Logue |
Mariko Yamada |
Alyson Huber |
Tom Torlakson |
Tom Ammiano |
Nancy Skinner |
Joan Buchanan |
Jerry Hill |
Paul Fong |
Bill Berryhill |
Bill Monning |
Danny Gilmore |
Juan Arambula |
Connie Conway |
Steve Knight |
Bob Blumenfield |
John Pérez |
Steven Bradford |
Isadore Hall |
Bonnie Lowenthal |
Warren T. Furutani |
Curt Hagman |
Norma Torres |
Brian Nestande |
Jeff Miller |
Diane Harkey |
Nathan Fletcher |
Marty Block |
Manuel Perez |
2011-2012 |
Beth Gaines |
Richard Pan |
Michael Allen |
Roger Dickinson |
Susan Bonilla |
Bob Wieckowski |
Rich Gordon |
Nora Campos |
Kristin Olsen |
Luis Alejo |
Linda Halderman |
David Valadao |
Henry Perea |
Shannon Grove |
Katcho Achadjian |
Das Williams |
Jeff Gorell |
Mike Gatto |
Gil Cedillo |
Holly Mitchell |
Ricardo Lara |
Betsy Butler |
Roger Hernandez |
Tim Donnelly |
Mike Morrell |
Allan Mansoor |
Don Wagner |
Chris Norby |
Toni Atkins |
Brian Jones |
Ben Hueso |
2013-2014 |
Brian Dahle |
Wesley Chesbro |
Mariko Yamada |
Frank Bigelow |
Beth Gaines |
Roger Dickinson |
Ken Cooley |
Richard Pan |
Marc Levine |
Jim Frazier |
Kristin Olsen |
Susan Eggman |
Susan Bonilla |
Nancy Skinner |
Joan Buchanan |
Tom Ammiano |
Rob Bonta |
Phil Ting |
Bill Quirk |
Adam Gray |
Kevin Mullin |
Jim Patterson |
Rich Gordon |
Bob Wieckowski |
Connie Conway |
Nora Campos |
Paul Fong |
Mark Stone |
Luis Alejo |
Rudy Salas |
Tim Donnelly |
Shannon Grove |
Katcho Achadjian |
Steve Fox |
Das Williams |
Scott Wilk |
Raul Bocanegra |
Mike Morrell |
Chris Holden |
Brian Nestande |
Jeff Gorell |
Bob Blumenfield |
Adrin Nazarian |
Cheryl Brown |
Roger Hernandez |
Ed Chau |
Richard Bloom |
Jimmy Gomez |
Norma Torres |
John Pérez |
Holly Mitchell |
Curt Hagman |
V. Manuel Perez |
Ian Calderon |
Cristina Garcia |
Reggie Jones-Sawyer |
Eric Linder |
Jose Medina |
Steven Bradford |
Anthony Rendon |
Isadore Hall, III |
Sharon Quirk-Silva |
Al Muratsuchi |
Melissa Melendez |
Don Wagner |
Tom Daly |
Bonnie Lowenthal |
Brian Jones |
Travis Allen |
Allan Mansoor |
Marie Waldron |
Rocky Chavez |
Brian Maienschein |
Toni Atkins |
Shirley Weber |
Ben Hueso |
Assembly Session |
1st |
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79th |
80th |
District |
See also