List of special law enforcement units
- This list is about law enforcement units. For military, see List of special forces units
This is a list of non-military law enforcement units tasked with special duties, including:
- Security of the state, state officials and foreign dignitaries
- Offensive domestic counter-terrorist actions
- Serving high-risk arrest warrants
- Performing hostage rescue and/or armed intervention
- Engaging heavily armed criminals
- 1 Afghanistan
- 2 Albania
- 3 Argentina
- 4 Australia
- 5 Austria
- 6 Azerbaijan
- 7 Bahamas
- 8 Bangladesh
- 9 Belgium
- 10 Bolivia
- 11 Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 12 Bulgaria
- 13 Brazil
- 14 Brunei
- 15 Canada
- 16 Chile
- 17 China
- 18 Colombia
- 19 Croatia
- 20 Czech Republic
- 21 Denmark
- 22 Ecuador
- 23 Egypt
- 24 Estonia
- 25 Fiji
- 26 Finland
- 27 France
- 28 Georgia
- 29 Germany
- 30 Greece
- 31 Hungary
- 32 Iceland
- 33 India
- 34 Indonesia
- 35 Iran
- 36 Iraq
- 37 Ireland
- 38 Israel
- 39 Italy
- 40 Japan
- 41 Jordan
- 42 Kuwait
- 43 Latvia
- 44 Lebanon
- 45 Liechtenstein
- 46 Lithuania
- 47 Luxembourg
- 48 Republic of Macedonia
- 49 Malaysia
- 50 Malta
- 51 Mexico
- 52 Mongolia
- 53 Morocco
- 54 Namibia
- 55 Netherlands
- 56 New Zealand
- 57 Nicaragua
- 58 Nigeria
- 59 Norway
- 60 Pakistan
- 61 Panama
- 62 Philippines
- 63 Poland
- 64 Portugal
- 65 Romania
- 66 Russia
- 67 Singapore
- 68 Slovenia
- 69 Serbia
- 70 Slovakia
- 71 South Africa
- 72 South Korea
- 73 Spain
- 74 Sri Lanka
- 75 Sweden
- 76 Switzerland
- 77 Taiwan
- 78 Thailand
- 79 Turkey
- 80 United Arab Emirates
- 81 United Kingdom
- 82 United States of America
- 83 Ukraine
- 84 Vietnam
- 85 See also
- 86 References
- Shqiponjat (The Eagles)[1][2][3]
- Immediate Intervention Forces - FNSH (Forcat e Ndërhyrjes së Shpejtë)[citation needed]
- Port Authority Security Force[citation needed]
- RENEA (Reparti i Neutralizimit te Elementit te Armatosur)[4][5]
- Federal Special Operations Group (GEOF)
- Grupo Especial Uno "GE-1" (Special Group One)
- Equipo Antiterrorista (Anti-Terrorist Team)
- Escuadrón Especial de la Gendarmería Nacional
- Scorpion Group
- Sección Operaciones Especiales de Monte de Gendarmería Nacional "Groupe Monte" (National Gendarmarie Jungle Special Operations Section)
- Unidad Especial de Lucha Contra Narcotraficante (UELCON)
- Local and other units
- Hawk Special Operations Brigade (BEOH) - Buenos Aires Provincial Police
- Special Operations Troops Company (TOE) - Santa Fe Provincial Police
- E.T.E.R. (Equipo Tactico Especial Recomendado) - Cordoba Provincial Police
- Albatross Group - Argentine Naval Prefecture
- Grupo de Respuesta Imediata de Alto Riesgo (GRIAR) (Immediate High Risk Response Group) - Argentine Naval Prefecture
Police Tactical Group (PTGs)
- Tactical Operations Unit (TOU)
- State Protection Support Unit (SPSU)
- Public Order and Riot Squad (PORS) - full-time riot squad
- Public Order and Operations Support Group (POOSG) - part-time riot squad
- Hostage Response Group (HRG)
- Territory Response Group (TRG)
- Public Order Response Team (PORT)[6]
- Special Emergency Response Team (SERT)
- Public Safety Response Team (PSRT)[7]
- Queensland Department of Corrective Services
- Tactical Response Unit (TRU)[8]
- Special Operations Group (SOG)
- Public Order Response Team (PORT)[10]
- Tasmania Corrective Services
- Tactical Response Group (TRG)[11]
- Special Operations Group (SOG)
- Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT)
- Public Order Response Team (PORT)
- Tactical Response Group (TRG)
- Regional Operations Group (ROG)[12]
- Western Australia Department of Corrective Services
- EKO Cobra (Special operations and counterterrorism unit)
- Bundespolizei (Federal police)
- WEGA (SWAT team)
- Justizwache (Penitentiary police)
- Justizwache Einsatzgruppe (JEG) Penitentiary police SWAT team
- Security and Intelligence Branch
- Speciale Eenheden/Unités Spéciales (CGSU) Special Units of the General Commissioner's Office (former SIE/ESI)
- Bolivian Police Force
- Unidad Tactica de Operaciones Policiales - UTOP (Tactical Response Unit)
- Fuerza especial de lucha contra el narcotráfico- FELCN (Bolivian anti-narcotics force)
- Fuerza especial de lucha contra el crimen- FELCC (Bolivian anti-criminal force)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bosnian Police Force
- State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA)
- Bosnian Special Police Units
- Special Police Unit
- Other units
- MUP FBiH Federal Counter-terrorism branches - Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Police
- MUP RS Counter-terrorism branches - Republika Srpska Police
- Counter-Terrorist Squads
- Comando de Operações Táticas (C.O.T.) - is a specialized counter terrorism unit with headquarters in Brasília[19]
- Grupos de Pronta Intervenção (G.P.I.) - are SWAT like tactical units that supports local operations. Each state has its own G.P.I. unit
- BOE/BOPE (Batalhão de Operações Especiais) units:
- Special Operations Battalion (PMAC) - in Acre[20]
- Special Operations Battalion (PMDF) - in the Federal District[21][22][23]
- Specials Battalion Operations (PMMT) - in the state of Mato Grosso[24]
- Special Operations Battalion (PMPR) - the state of Paraná[25]
- Special Operations Battalion (PMPI) - the state of Piauí[26]
- Special Police Operations Battalion (PMAL) - the state of Alagoas[27]
- Special Police Operations Battalion (PMRR) - in the state of Roraima[28][29]
- Special Police Operations Battalion (PMSC) - the state of Santa Catarina[30]
- Special Police Operations Battalion (PMERJ) - in the state of Rio de Janeiro[31]
- Special Police Operations Battalion (PMRN) - in Rio Grande do Norte state[32]
- Special Police Operations Battalion (PMRS) - in Rio Grande do Sul state[33]
- Special Police Operations Battalion (PMAP) - in Amapá state[34]
- Grupo de Ações Táticas Especiais (G.A.T.E.) - is a special operations force within São Paulo's military police[35]
- Grupo de Ações Táticas Especiais (G.A.T.E.) - is a GATE type unit of the Military Police of Minas Gerais State
- Grupo Tático 3 (G.T.3.) - in the state of Goiás[36]
- Grupo Especial de Resgate (G.E.R.) - is tactical unit similar to GOE operating in the state of São Paulo
- Grupo de Operações Especiais (G.O.E.) - is the elite arm of the Civil Police of the state of São Paulo[37]
- Centro de Operações Policiais Especiais (C.O.P.E.) - is a specialized division within the civil police of Paraná state[38]
- Tático Integrado de Grupos de Repressão Especial (T.I.G.R.E.) - is a SWAT type tactical unit that specializes in hostage rescue operations in the state of Paraná[39]
- Coordenadoria de Recursos Especiais (C.O.R.E.) - is a paramilitary police unit within the Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro State[40]
- Divisão de Operações especiais (D.O.E.) - is a special tactics unit based in Federal District[41]
- Grupo de Operações Especiais (G.O.E.) - is the GOE unit of the state of Pernambuco[42]
- Special Operations Squad (SOS) - (Malay: Pasukan Gerak Khas (PGK))
- Emergency Response Team (RCMP) / Groupe Tactique d'Intervention (GTI)
- Provincial, local and other units
- Atomic Energy of Canada Limited's (AECL) Nuclear Security Response Team
- Barrie Police Service
- Tactical Support Unit (TSU)
- Brandon Police Service
- Tactical Response Unit (TRU)
- Brockville Police Service
- Emergency Response Team (ERT)
- Calgary Police Service
- Tactical Unit
- Chalk River Laboratories Nuclear Response Force (NRF)
- Correctional Service of Canada - Institutional Emergency Response Team (IERT) Institutional Crisis Intervention Team (ICIT)
- Edmonton Police Service
- Tactical Unit
- Halton Regional Police Service - Tactical Rescue Unit (TRU)
- Ontario Provincial Police
- Tactics and Rescue Unit (TRU)
- Emergency Response Team (ERT)
- Ottawa Police Service
- Tactical Unit
- Toronto Police Service
- Emergency Task Force (TPS)
- Vancouver Police Department
- Emergency Response Team (ERT)
- Windsor Police Service - Tactical Unit
- Groupe d'Intervention (Intervention Group ) - Sûreté du Québec (Quebec Provincial Police)
- Most of the larger cities and towns in Canada have Tactical or Emergency Response Units as part of their police force.
- Carabineros de Chile
- GOPE - Grupo de Operaciones Policiales Especiales (Police Special Operations Group)
- Chilean Investigation Police (Policía de Investigaciones de Chile)
- ERTA - Equipo de Reacción Táctica Antinarcóticos (Antinarcotics Tactical Response Team)
- Gendarmería de Chile (Prison Service)
- SOT - Sección de Operaciones Tácticas (Tactical Operations Section)
- People's Armed Police (CAPF)
- Snow Leopard Commando Unit (SWCU)
- Immediate Action Unit (IAU)
- Provincial Special Police Groups (SPG)
- Special Police Unit (SPU)
- Guangdong Province SPU
Hong Kong
- Airport District
- Airport Security Unit (ASU)
- Police Tactical Unit Headquarters
- Special Duties Unit (SDU)
- Counter-Terrorism and Internal Security Division
- Crime Wing
- Small Boat Division
- Security Wing
- VIP Protection Unit (VIPPU)
- Witness Protection Unit (WPU)
- Police Intervention Tactical Unit (UTIP)
- Special Operation Group (GOE)
- Special Operations Commandos ( Grupo de Operaciones Especiales (GOES) - Comando de Operaciones Especiales (COPES))
- Mobile Riot Squadrons (Escuadrón Movil Anti-Disturbios (ESMAD))
- "EMCAR" Escuadrones móviles de carabineros - Mobile Carabinier Squadrons
- "JUNGLA" Compañía Jungla Antinarcóticos - Anti-narcotics Jungle Company
- Lučko Anti-Terrorist Unit (ATJ Lučko)
- Special Police Units (SJP Split "BATT", SJP Rijeka "AJKULA", SJP Osijek "ORAO")
- Riot Police Units
Czech Republic
- Útvar Rychlého Nasazení (URNa - Rapid Reaction Unit, national police CT unit)
- Krajská Zásahová Jednotka (KZJ - Regional Intervention Unit, 8 regional police intervention units)
- Skupina Operativního Nasazení (SON - Operative Deployment Unit, national customs intervention unit)
- Politiets Aktionsstyrke (Special unit of the Police)
- GOE - Grupo de Operaciones Especiales
- GIR - Grupo de Intervención y Rescate
- Unit 333 (Special unit of the interior ministry)
- K-Commando (Special unit of the Central Crime Police)
- Police Tactical Response Unit (disbanded in 2007)[43]
- Police National Operations Support Unit[44][45]
- Karhuryhmä (Special unit of the Helsinki City Police Department but used nationwide)
- Valo-79 (Special unit of the North-Finland Police)
- Finnish Border Guard
- Border Guard Readiness Unit
- Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN) (National Gendarmerie Intervention Group)
- Pelotons d'Intervention Interrégionaux de la Gendarmerie Nationale (PI2G) (high risk arrests, VIP details)
- Recherche Assistance Intervention Dissuasion (RAID)
- Groupes d'Intervention de la Police Nationale (GIPN)
- Service de Protection des Hautes Personnalités (SPHP) (VIP details Service)
- Joint unit
- Groupement interarmées d'hélicoptères (GIH, joint air force and army light aviation helicopters unit for specialized units of Gendarmerie and Police)
- Counterterrorism Center[46]
- Special State Protection Service (SSPS)
- Counter Intelligence Department[47]
- Special Emergency and Situations Management Center[48]
- Central Anti Crime Department[47]
- Regional Special Task Divisions[49][50]
- Federal
- Bundespolizei (Federal Police)
- Zollkriminalamt (Customs Investigation Bureau)
- Zentrale Unterstützungsgruppe Zoll (ZUZ) (Customs SWAT Team)
- Feldjäger (Military Police)
- Zugriffskräfte
- State
- Landespolizei (State Police)
- Spezialeinsatzkommando (SEK) (State SWAT Team, Part of Uniformed Police)
- Beweissicherungs- und Festnahmeeinheit (BFE) (Special Detention Unit, Part of State Anti Riot Police)
- Mobiles Einsatzkommando (MEK) (State SWAT Team, Part of Criminal Police)
- Special Anti-Terrorist Unit (EKAM)
- Special Operations Teams (OEA)
- Counter Terrorism Centre (TEK - Terrorelhárítási Központ)
- Készenléti Rendőrség (Operational Police)
- Víkingasveitin (Viking Squad / Special Operations Unit of the National Commissioner)
- National Security Guard
- Rapid Action Force
- Special Operations Group (India)
- Anti Terrorist Squad (India)
- Force One
- Commando Battalion for Resolute Action - Special forces of the paramilitary Central Reserve Police Force
- Protective Service Unit
- Special Protection Group
- SWAT teams of States like Punjab,[51][51] Delhi[52] & Jammu & Kashmir[53]
- Para (Indian Special Forces)
- Central Bureau of Investigation
Indonesian Special Police Forces:
- Mobile Brigade (Indonesia) (National Police Special Operations Force, Police Commandos, Special Response team, Paramilitary).
- DENSUS 88 / Detasmen Khusus 88 (Special Police Counter Terrorism Force)
- GEGANA Unit - (Special Police Force for bomb disposal, intelligence, anti-anarchist, and handling of Chemical, Biological, and Radio Active threats.)
- Special Units of Disciplinary Force's
- Counter-terrorism Special Force (NOPO)
- Garda Síochána (National Police)
- Special Detective Unit (SDU)
- Emergency Response Unit (ERU)
- National Surveillance Unit (NSU)
- Regional Support Unit (RSU)
- Public Order Unit
- Witness Protection Unit
- Nachshon
- Dror
- Masada
- Gruppo Operativo Mobile (GOM)
- Special Assault Team (SAT) - national SWAT units
- Special Investigation Team (SIT)
- Anti-Firearms Squad - the armed response teams
- Akita/Iwate/Ibaraki/Miyagi/Fukushima/Tochigi/Shizuoka/Aichi/Mie/Fukuoka/Nagasaki Prefectural Police
- Special Investigation Team (SIT)
- Osaka Prefectural Police Department
- Martial Arts Attack Team (MAAT)
- Chiba Prefectural Police Department
- Assault Response Team
- Saitama Prefectural Police Department
- Special Tactical Section
- Kanagawa Prefectural Police Department
- Special Investigation Section
- Aomori Prefectural Police
- Technical Special Team
- Hiroshima Prefectural Police
- Hostage Rescue Team
- Special Security Team (SST) - the maritime SWAT teams
- Special Police Team
- Special Rescue Team - the maritime search & rescue teams
- National Strike Team (NST) - the maritime oil pollution response teams
- Special Police's Unit 30 (SWAT)
- Special Unit 14 (Special Intervention)
- GID Special Unit
- Kuwait Special Force (Al Quwat Al Khasa)
- Kuwait Swat team
- State Police of Latvia
- Special Task Battalion ALFA (riot squad)
- OMEGA (counter-terrorism and special operations unit)
- Military
- Special Tasks Unit (SUV - Speciālo uzdevumu vienība)
- Lebanese Police Force
- Fuhud (Panthers)(Special Police Unit)
- internal intelligence (fast reaction force)
- general security (special unit)
- Police
- ARAS - Lithuanian Police Anti-terrorist Operations Unit (Lithuanian: Lietuvos policijos antiteroristinių operacijų rinktinė)
- VSAT SPB (Lithuanian State Border Guard Service Rapid Reaction Squads)
- Military
- AITVARAS - Lithuanian Special Operations Force (LITHSOF) (Lithuanian: Lietuvos Specialiųjų Operacijų Pajėgos)
Republic of Macedonia
- Special Task Unit - "Tigers" (Единица за Специјални Задачи - Тигар)
- Unit for fast deployment (Единица за Брзо Распоредување)
- Royal Malaysia Police (Polis Diraja Malaysia)
- Pasukan Gerakan Khas (PGK) - National police counter-terrorist teams
- Unit Gempur Marin (UNGERIN) - Marine police SWAT teams
- STING - Narcotics armed SWAT teams
- STAFOC - Organized crime SWAT teams
- STAGG - CID D7 armed response teams
- Malaysian Prison Department (Jabatan Penjara Malaysia)
- Trup Tindakan Cepat (TTC) - Prison SWAT teams
- Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia)
- Special Task And Rescue (STAR) - Coast guard SWAT teams
- Malaysian Immigration Department (Jabatan Immigresen Malaysia)
- Grup Taktikal Khas (GTK) - Immigration SWAT teams
- Maltese Police
- Special Mobile Unit till 1987
- Special Assignments Group till June 2013
- Rapid Intervention Unit (RIU) since July 1, 2013
- Grupo de Operaciones Especiales GOPES
- Fuerzas Federales de Apoyo
- Proteccion Federal
- Policia Federal de Caminos
- Division de Inteligencia
- Mongolian Police
- Special Response Unit
- Royal Gendarmerie :
- Groupe d'intervention de la Gendarmerie royale (G.I.G.R)
- National Police :
- Bureau central des investigations judiciaire ("B.C.I.J")
- Special Field Force (SFF)
- Special Reserve Force (SRF)
- Special Operations Khomas Regional Support Unit (RSU)
- Emergency Response Unit (ERU)
- National Police
- Dienst Speciale Interventies (DSI)- high-risk arrests and counter-terrorism
- Dienst Bewaken & Beveiliging (Guard & Security Service) - Diplomatic, VIP, and Royal security
- Mobiele Eenheid (Mobile Units) - Part-time riot police
- Royal Marshals/Royal Military Police (Koninklijke Marechaussee)
- Brigade Speciale Beveiligingsopdrachten (Brigade Special Protection tasks)
- Bijstand Eenheid (Support Units) - Full-time heavy duty riot police and paramilitary internal security units
- Custodial Institutions Agency (Dienst Jüstitionele Inrichtingen) (Prison Service)
- Landelijke Bijzondere Bijstandseenheid (National Special Support Unit) - Prison riot squad
- Bijzonder Ondersteunings Team (BOT) (Special Support Team) - high-risk prisoner escort, prison special response team
New Zealand
- Armed Offenders Squad (AOS), incidents involving weapons
- Diplomatic Protection Squad (DPS), VIP protection
- Special Tactics Group (STG), counter terrorist
- Policia Nacional-DOEP
- Tácticas y Armas Policiales de Intervención y Rescate (TAPIR)
- Departamento de Intervención Rápida (GIR)
- Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS), counter terrorist
- Department of State Security (DSS), VIP protection/counter terrorist
- Pakistan Police
- Special Response Unit
- Anti-Narcotics Force (anti drug-trafficking arm of Pakistan Police)
- Punjab Police - Elite Police
- [Anti Terrorists Squad]
- [Special Service Unit]
- Special Action Force[54]
- Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
- Anti Drugs Special Operations Task Force (ADSOTF)
- Security Forces (Public Security Police & National Republican Guard)
- Grupo de Operações Especiais (Special Operations Group) PSP
- Grupo de Intervenção e Operações Especiais (Special Operations and Intervention Group ) GNR
- Detaşamentul de Poliţie pentru Intervenţie Rapidă
- DIAS, Special Actions and Interventions Detachment
- Serviciul de Poliţie pentru Intervenţie Rapidă
- SIAS, Serviciul pentru Interventii la Actiuni Speciale
- BAT - Anti-Tero Brigade
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- Special Operations Department of Directorate S (Zaslon)
- Internal Troops of Russia Main Office for Special Technical Actions[58]
- Special Rapid Response Units (S.O.B.R.)
- Special Purpose Mobile Unit (O.M.O.N.)
- Dzerzhinsky Division (O.D.O.N.)
- 604th Special Purpose Center
- 7th OSN Rosich (Novocherkassk)
- 12th OSN Ural (Nizhny Tagil)
- 15th OSN Vyatich (Armavir)
- 17th OSN Edelveys (Mineralnye Vody)
- 19th OSN Ermak (Novosibirsk)
- 20th OSN (Saratov)
- 21st OSN Tayfun (Sosnovka)
- 23rd OSN Mechel (Chelyabinsk)
- 25th OSN Merkuriy (Smolensk)
- 26th OSN Bars (Kazan)
- 27th OSN Kuzbass (Kemerovo)
- 28th OSN Ratnik (Arkhangelsk)
- 29th OSN Bulat (Ufa)
- 33rd OSN Peresvet (Moscow)
- 34th OSN (Grozny)
Federal Drug Control Service of Russia
- OSN "Grom"
- Dozens of various independent detachments, such as OSN Saturn.
Federal Penitentiary Service OSNs:
- OSN "Fakel"[59]
- OSN "Rossy"[60]
- OSN "Akula"[61]
- OSN "Ajsberg"[62]
- OSN "Gurza"[63]
- OSN "Korsar"[64]
- OSN "Rosomaha"[65]
- OSN "Sokol"[66]
- OSN "Saturn"[67]
- OSN "Tornado"
- OSN "Kondor"
- OSN "Yastreb"[68]
- OSN "Berkut"[69]
- OSN "Grif"[70]
- OSN "Titan"[71]
- OSN "Gepard"[72]
Center of Special Operations of the FSB[73]
- Directorate "A" (Spetsgruppa Alpha)
- Directorate "B" (Spetsgruppa Vega)
- Directorate "C" (Spetsgruppa Smerch)
- Regional FSB units
- Special Operations Command (SOC)
- Police Tactical Unit (PTU)
- Special Tactics and Rescue (STAR)
- Special Guard and Counter-Terrorism Unit (GC)
- Specialna Enota Policije (SEP)
- Útvar Osobitného Určenia (UOU) - Special Designation Unit of the Presidium of Police
- Pohotovostný Policajný Útvar (PPÚ)
- Úrad boja proti organizovanej kriminalite - Zásahová skupina (ZS ÚBOK PPZ) - Organized crime department - Intervention unit
- Úrad pre Ochranu Ústavných Činiteľov a Diplomatických Misií - Odbor špeciálnej ochrany (ÚOÚČ OŠO) - Security of the state, state officials and foreign dignitaries - Special protection unit
- Jednotka služobných zákrokov Colného krimináleho úradu Colnej správy SR (JSZ CKÚ ) - Customs Criminal Office’s Intervention Unit
- Zásahová jednotka Mobilnej zásahovej skupiny RHP Sobrance - Hraničná polícia - Intervention unit of the Border Police
- Zásahové jednotky Špeciálnych zásahových skupín Zboru väzenskej a justičnej stráže - Intervention units of the Special intervention groups of the Department of Corrective Services
South Africa
- Special Task Force (STF)
- National Intervention Unit (NIU) - This Unit of the South African Police Service respond to incidents of medium to high risk.
- South African Police Service Riot Squad/Anti-Riot Squad/ Public Order Policing/Internal Stability Unit (POP/ISU)
South Korea
- Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT)
- Seoul Metropolitan Police SWAT Team (Unit 868)
- Incheon Metropolitan Police SWAT Team (Unit 313)
- Busan Metropolitan Police SWAT Team (Unit 431)
- Daegu Metropolitan Police SWAT Team
- Jeju Metropolitan Police SWAT Team
- Sea Special Assault Team (SSAT)
- Busan SSAT Team
- Incheon SSAT Team
- Unidad Especial de Intervención (UEI)
- Grupo de Acción Rápida (GAR)
- Grupos Operativos Especiales de Seguridad (GOES)
- Grupo Especial de Operaciones (GEO)
- Grup Especial d'Intervenció (GEI)
- Berrozi Berezi Taldea (BBT)
Sri Lanka
- Special Task Force (STF)
- Nationella Insatsstyrkan (National counter-terrorism and special assignment unit)
- Piketen (Emergency response units - Regional police SWAT units)
Switzerland has around 1000 Police SWAT members, each State (canton) has a group with at least 14 members, the Federal Police also has its own SWAT group. The Swiss Army also provides a SWAT team, around 300-400 people are in that team
- Federal Office of Police (FedPol)
- National Police Agency (NPA)
- Air Police Corps
- Special Police Corps
- Wei-An Special Services Commando
- Thunder Squad (Special Weapons And Tactics Police Counter-Terrorism unit)
- Special Task Unit
- Arintharat 26
- Royal Thai Police Arintaraj 26 Special Operations Unit (Metro Bangkok SWAT)
- Royal Thai Police Naresuan 261 Counter-Terrorism Unit
- Royal Thai Police Black Tigers Special Operations Unit (VIP Protection)
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
- National
- National Crime Agency
- Ministry of Defence Police
- National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Intelligence Unit
- Protection Command
- National Ballistics Intelligence Service (Great Britain)
- Civil Nuclear Constabulary (Great Britain)
- Regional firearms units
- Avon & Somerset Constabulary Firearms unit and Dog unit
- City of London Police Tactical Firearms Group
- Devon and Cornwall Constabulary Tactical Aid Group
- Dorset Police Tactical Firearms Unit
- Kent Police Training and Tactical Firearms Unit
- Metropolitan Police Specialist Firearms Command
- Staffordshire Police Central Firearms Unit
- West Midlands Police Firearms Unit
- Wiltshire Police Armed Response Group
- Regional counter terrorism units
- South East Counter Terrorism Unit
- South West Counter Terrorism Unit
- Metropolitan Police Service Counter Terrorism Command
- East Counter Terrorism Intelligence Unit
- East Midlands Counter Terrorism Intelligence Unit
- West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit
- Welsh Extremism and Counter Terrorism Unit
- North West Counter Terrorism Unit
- North East Counter Terrorism Unit
- Police Scotland Organised Crime and Counter Terrorism Unit
- Police Service of Northern Ireland Crime Operations Department
- Regional special operations units
- South East Region Organised Crime Unit
- South West Region Organised Crime Unit
- Metropolitan Police Service Specialist, Organised and Economic Crime Command
- Eastern Region Special Operations Unit
- East Midlands Special Operations Unit
- West Midland Regional Organised Crime Unit
- Southern Wales Regional Organised Crime Unit
- North West Regional Organised Crime Unit
- North East Region Special Operations Unit
- Police Scotland Specialist Crime Division
- Police Service of Northern Ireland Crime Operations Department
- Royal Military Police Close Protection Unit
- Royal Marines Police Troops
- Royal Air Force Police Tactical Provost Wing
United States of America
- Federal agencies
- United States Department of Army- Military District of Washington (MDW)
MDW Special Reaction Team (SRT)
- U.S. Department of Energy
- Special Response Teams (SRT)
- Special Response Force (SRF)
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- Office of Field Operations (OFO)
- Special Response Teams (SRT)
- Quick Reaction Force (QRF) - CBP National Capital Region based tactical team
- U.S. Border Patrol
- Special Operations Group
- Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC)
- Border Patrol, Search, Trauma and Rescue (BORSTAR)
- Mobile Response Team (MRT)
- Special Operations Group
- Office of Field Operations (OFO)
- Federal Protective Service (FPS) - Special Response Teams
- Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
- Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) - Special Response Teams (SRT)
- Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) - Rapid Response Teams (RRT)
- Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO)
- Special Response Teams (SRT)
- Tactical Intervention and Control (TIAC) Teams
- U.S. Coast Guard
- Maritime Safety and Security Team (MSST)
- Maritime Security Response Team (MSRT)
- Tactical Law Enforcement Teams (TACLET)
- Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron (HITRON)
- Vessel Boarding Security Teams (VBST)
- U.S. Secret Service
- Counter Sniper (CS) Unit
- U.S. Secret Service Uniform Division (UD) - Emergency Response Team (ERT)
- U.S. Secret Service - Counter Assault Team (CAT)
- Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- United States Department of Justice
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) - Special Response Teams (SRT)
- Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) - Foreign-deployed Advisory and Support Teams (FAST) - DEA Special Response Teams (SRT)
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Hostage Rescue Team (HRT)
- Special Weapons and Tactics Teams (SWAT)
- Federal Bureau of Prisons - Special Operations Response Team (SORT)
- U.S. Marshals Service (USMS)
- USMS Special Operations Group (SOG)
- USMS - Special Response Teams (SRT)
- U.S. Department of State
- Bureau of Diplomatic Security - Office of Mobile Security Deployments (MSD)
- U.S. Department of the Treasury
- U.S. Mint Police - Special Response Teams (SRT)
- National Park Service
- Special Response Teams (SRT)
- Grand Canyon Special Response Team
- Yellowstone Special Response Team
- Western Region Special Response Team
- Special Event and Tactical Teams (SETT)
- Midwest Special Event and Tactical Team
- Pacific West Region Special Event and Tactical Team
- Southeast Region Special Event and Tactical Team
- U.S. Park Police Special Weapons and Tactics Team
- United States Park Police, New York Field Office Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team
- Special Response Teams (SRT)
- Independent federal agencies
- Amtrak Police - Mobile Tactical Unit (MTU)
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Security Protective Service (SPS) - Special Response Team (SRT)
- Federal Reserve Police - Special Response Team (SRT)
- National Security Agency (NSA) - Special Response Team (SRT)
- Pentagon Force Protection Agency
- Pentagon Police Directorate - Emergency Response Team (ERT)
- U.S. Capitol Police - Containment Emergency Response Team (CERT)
- State agencies
- Division of Alaska State Troopers (AST) - Special Emergency Response Team (SERT)
- Arizona Department of Public Safety Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team
- California Highway Patrol - Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) Team
- California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
- Crisis Response Teams (CRT)
- Special Service Unit (SSU)
- Colorado Department of Corrections Special Operations and Response Team (SORT)
- Connecticut Department of Correction Special Operations Group (SOG)
- Connecticut State Police - State Police Tactical Unit (SPTU)
- Delaware State Police - Special Operations Response Team (SORT)
- Florida Highway Patrol - Tactical Response Teams (TRT)
- Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) - Special Operations Teams (SOT)
- Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission - Special Operations Group (FWCSOG)
- Georgia Counter-Terrorism Task Force (CTTF) (State level multi-agency tactical team)
- Georgia State Patrol - Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team
- Hawaii Department of Public Safety Sheriff Division - Sheriff's Emergency Response Team (SERT)
- Illinois State Police - Tactical Response Team (TRT)
- Indiana State Police - Emergency Response Team (ERT)
- Kentucky Department of Corrections - Corrections Emergency Response Team (CERT)
- Louisiana State Police - Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team
- Maine State Police - Tactical Team
- Maine Department of Corrections Special Operations Group
- Maryland Department of Natural Resources Police Special Operations Division, Tactical Response Team
- Maryland State Police
- Special Tactical Assault Team Element (STATE)
- Tactical Medical Unit (TMU)
- Maryland Transportation Authority Police - Special Response Team (SRT)
- Maryland Transit Administration Police - Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) Teams/Tactical Unit (formerly Special Response Team - SRT)
- Maryland Maritime Tactical Operations Group (MTOG) - Joint federal, state, and local tactical unit specializing in maritime tactical operations
- Massachusetts State Police - Special Tactical Operations Team (STOP)
- Massachusetts Department of Correction Special Reaction Team (SRT)
- Michigan State Police - Emergency Support Team (EST)
- Minnesota Department of Corrections Special Operations Group (SOG)
- Minnesota State Patrol Special Response Team (SRT)
- Nebraska Department of Correctional Services Special Operations Response Team (SORT)
- New Hampshire Division of State Police - Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Unit
- New Jersey State Police - Technical Emergency And Mission Specialists (TEAMS)
- New Jersey Transit Police - Emergency Services Unit (ESU)
- New Jersey Transit Police - Conditions Tactical Unit (CTU)
- New Mexico State Police - Tactical Team
- New York State Police - Special Operations Response Teams (SORT)
- North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) - Special Response Team (SRT)
- North Carolina Department of Correction Special Operations Response Team (SORT)
- Ohio State Highway Patrol - Special Response Team (SRT)
- Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections
- Special Response Teams (SRT)
- Special Tactics and Response (STAR)
- Oklahoma Highway Patrol Tactical Team
- Oklahoma Department of Corrections - Corrections Emergency Response Team (CERT)
- Oregon State Police - Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team
- Pennsylvania State Police - Special Emergency Response Team (SERT)
- Pennsylvania Department of Corrections
- Corrections Rifle Specialist Team (CRST)
- Hostage Rescue Team (HRT)
- Port Authority Police Department (PAPD) – Emergency Services Unit (ESU)
- Rhode Island Department of Corrections Correctional Emergency Response Team (CERT)
- Rhode Island State Police - Tactical Team, WMD Tactical Team
- South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) - Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team
- Tennessee Highway Patrol - Special Operations Unit (SOU)
- Texas Department of Public Safety
- Ranger Division
- Ranger Recon Teams (RRT)
- Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team
- Ranger Division
- Texas Department of Public Safety - Special Response Teams (SRT)
- Texas Parks and Wildlife Department SCOUT Team (Tactical Response)
- Utah Highway Patrol - Special Emergency Response Team (SERT)
- Vermont State Police - Tactical Services Unit
- Virginia State Police - Tactical Response Teams (TRT)
- Local/County Agencies
The police departments of many counties and most major cities have special police units.
- Denver Police Department - Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) Team
- Miami Police Department - Special Threat Response: Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT) and Hostage Negotiators
- New York City Police Department - Emergency Service Unit (ESU), Critical Response Command (CRC) and Strategic Response Group (SRG)
- Los Angeles Police Department Metropolitan Division - Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team
- Oakland Police Department - Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team
- Berkut (disbanded)
- Vietnam People's Public Security
- Vietnam Mobile Police (Cảnh sát cơ động) - Counter-terrorist and riot police
- Vietnam Rapid Response Police (Cảnh sát Phản ứng nhanh), also known as CS113 - Counter criminal police
- Vietnam Special Criminal Investigation Police (Cảnh sát Hình sự Đặc nhiệm) - Investigation of special criminal cases[74]
See also
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- ↑ Albanian Screen, New police head sworn in - Shqiponjat elite unit dissolved, October 10, 2013
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ NT Police Museum: Public Order Response Team
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ WA Police Regional Operations Group
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ [[]]
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Polícia Militar de Roraima. Batalhão de Operações Especiais
- ↑ Polícia Militar de Roraima. PM reforça operação Fecha Quartel nesta quarta-feira
- ↑ Página oficial do BOPE - PMSC
- ↑
- ↑Ã+CIA
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro State official website
- ↑ Portal oficial da Polícia Civil do DF
- ↑
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Fiji Times: New police unit to replace response squad
- ↑ New life for elite police unit
- ↑
- ↑ 47.0 47.1
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ 51.0 51.1 Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found. Cite error: Invalid
tag; name "Service_2015" defined multiple times with different content - ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑
- ↑ 55.0 55.1
- ↑ Zaslon SVR RF operatives foto
- ↑
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ ru:Ястреб (спецподразделение)
- ↑ [2][dead link]
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑