List of science fiction authors

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Note that this partial list contains some authors whose works of fantastic fiction would today be called science fiction, even if they predate, or did not work in that genre. There is also a considerable overlap with the List of fantasy authors, since many authors are equally comfortable with both genres, and in any case some works deliberately combine the two or blur the distinction. Most science fiction authors write as novelists or short story writers, though increasingly, as the genre becomes possible, they write as playwrights or screen writers.

Some notable science fiction authors are (in alphabetical order):


Isaac Asimov, one of the "Big Three" science-fiction writers during his lifetime -- the other two were Robert A. Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke. Painting by Rowena Morrill, with symbols of his work on his throne.
Edward Bellamy, c. 1889
Poul Anderson at Polcon in 1985
Dafydd ab Hugh (born 1960)
Alexander Abasheli (1884–1954)
Edwin Abbott Abbott (1838–1926)
Kōbō Abe (1924–1993)
Robert Abernathy (1924–1990)
Dan Abnett (born 1965)
Daniel Abraham (born 1969)
Forrest J Ackerman (1916–2008)
Douglas Adams (1952–2001)
Robert Adams (1932–1990)
Ann Aguirre (born 1970)
Jerry Ahern (born 1946)
Humayun Ahmed (born 1948)
Jim Aikin (born 1948)
Alan Burt Akers (pseudonym of Kenneth Bulmer)
Brian Aldiss (born 1925)
David M. Alexander (born 1945)
Lloyd Alexander (1924–2007)
Roger MacBride Allen (born 1957)
Hans Joachim Alpers (1943–2011)
Steve Alten (born 1959)
Genrich Altshuller (1926–1998)
Kingsley Amis (1922–1995)
Paul Rafaelovich Amnuél (born 1944)
Kevin J. Anderson (born 1962)
Poul Anderson (1926–2001)
Christopher Andrews (born 1970)
Patricia Anthony (born 1947)
Piers Anthony (born 1934), Xanth
Christopher Anvil (1925–2009) (pseudonym of Harry C. Crosby)
K. A. Applegate (born 1956)
E.L. Arch (1922–1988) (pseudonym of Rachel Cosgrove Payes)
Eleanor Arnason (born 1942)
Robert Arthur (1909–1969)
Catherine Asaro (born 1955)
Neal Asher (born 1961)
Francis Leslie Ashton (born 1904)
Isaac Asimov (1920–1992) (Russian: Айзек Азимов)
Janet Asimov (born 1926)
Nancy Asire (born 1945)
Robert Asprin (1946–2008), MythAdventures, Phule's Company
A. A. Attanasio (born 1951)
Margaret Atwood (born 1939)
Ayerdhal (born 1959)


Cyrano de Bergerac, one of the earliest SF writers
Ray Bradbury, 1975
Bookplate of Edgar Rice Burroughs showing Tarzan holding the planet Mars while surrounded by other characters from Burroughs' stories, c. 1918
Richard Bachman (pseudonym of Stephen King), Desperation
Paolo Bacigalupi (born 1972)
Hilary Bailey (born 1936)
Robin Wayne Bailey (born 1952)
Kage Baker (1952–2010)
Scott Baker (born 1947)
J. G. Ballard (1930–2009)
Edwin Balmer (1883–1959)
Iain M. Banks (1954–2013)
Raymond E. Banks (1918–1974) (also known as Ray Banks, Ray E. Banks, R.E. Banks, and Fred Freair)
Marek Baraniecki (born 1954)
Miquel Barceló (born 1948)
René Barjavel (1911–1985)
Arthur K. Barnes (1911–1969)
John Barnes (born 1957)
Steven Barnes (born 1952)
William Barnwell (born 1943)
Donald Barr (1921–2004)
João Barreiros (born 1952)
William Barton (born 1950)
T. J. Bass (1932–2011) (pseudonym of Thomas J. Bassler)
Harry Bates (1900–1981)
L. Frank Baum (1856–1919)
John Baxter (born 1939)
Stephen Baxter (born 1957)
Georgy Baydukov (1907–1994)
Barrington J. Bayley (1937–2008)
Elizabeth Bear (born 1971)
Greg Bear (born 1951)
Jerome Beatty Jr (1918–2002)
Charles Beaumont (1929–1967)
Vladimir Beekman (1929–2009)
Alexander Beliaev (1884–1942)
Ugo Bellagamba (born 1972)
Edward Bellamy (1850–1898)
Andrei Belyanin (born 1967)
Don Bendell (born 1947) (pseudonym of Ron Stillman)
Gregory Benford (born 1941)
J. D. Beresford (1873–1947)
Fyodor Berezin (born 1960)
Cyrano de Bergerac (1619–1655)
Jack Bertin (1913–1983) (pseudonym of Peter B. Germano)
Alfred Bester (1913–1987)
Bruce Bethke (born 1955)
Ambrose Bierce (1842–1914?)
Lloyd Biggle, Jr. (1923–2002)
Eando Binder (joint pseudonym of Earl (1904–1966) and Otto (1911–1974) Binder)
John Birmingham (born 1964)
David Bischoff (born 1951)
Michael Bishop (born 1945)
Terry Bisson (born 1942)
Jerome Bixby (1923–1998)
Malorie Blackman (born 1962)
Jayme Lynn Blaschke (born 1969)
James Blaylock, (born 1950)
James Blish (1921–1975)
Robert Bloch (1917–1994)
Alexander Bogdanov (1873–1928)
Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff (born 1954)
Nelson S. Bond (1908–2006)
Kevin Bokeili (born 1963)
Pierre Bordage (born 1955)
Anthony Boucher (1911–1968) (pseudonym of William A.P. White)
Pierre Boulle (1912–1994)
Sydney James Bounds (1920–2006)
Ben Bova (born 1932)
Leigh Brackett (1915–1978)
Ray Bradbury (1920–2012)
Marion Zimmer Bradley (1930–1999)
Gillian Bradshaw (born 1956)
Reginald Bretnor (1911–1992)
David Brin (born 1950)
Jason V Brock (born 1970)
Damien Broderick (born 1944)
Kristi Brooks (born 1980)
Max Brooks (born 1972)
Terry Brooks (born 1944)
John Brosnan (1947–2005)
Eric Brown (born 1960)
Fredric Brown (1906–1972)
Rosel George Brown (1926–1967)
Simon Brown (born 1956)
John Brunner (1934–1995)
Steven Brust (born 1955)
Edward Bryant (born 1945)
Valery Bryusov (1873–1924)
Tobias S. Buckell (born 1979)
Algis Budrys (1931–2008)
Vitaly Bugrov (1938–1994)
Lela E. Buis
Lois McMaster Bujold (born 1949)
Mikhail Bulgakov (1891–1940)
Faddey Bulgarin (1789–1859)
Kenneth Bulmer (1921–2005)
Kir Bulychev (1934–2003)
Chris Bunch (1943–2005)
David R. Bunch (1925–2000)
Anthony Burgess (1917–1993)
Yuli Burkin (born 1960)
Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875–1950)
Michael A. Burstein (born 1970)
F. M. Busby (1921–2005)
Aleksandr Bushkov (born 1956)
Alain Le Bussy (1947–2010)
Jim Butcher (born 1971)
Octavia E. Butler (1947–2006)


Ted Chiang, 2011
'Arthur C. Clarke
Michael Crichton
Judy Lynn and Lester Del Rey, 1974
Samuel R. Delany
Pat Cadigan (born 1953)
Jack Cady (1932–2004)
Martin Caidin (1927–1997)
Italo Calvino (1923–1985)
John W. Campbell, Jr. (1910–1971) (also known as Don A. Stuart)
Karel Čapek (1890–1938)
Paul Capon (1912–1969)
Orson Scott Card (born 1951)
Terry Carr (1937–1987)
Lin Carter (1930–1988)
Cleve Cartmill (1908–1964)
Jeffrey Carver (born 1949)
Jay Caselberg (born 1958)
Franci Cerar
Jack L. Chalker (1944–2005)
Joël Champetier ( 1957-2015)
A. Bertram Chandler (1912–1984)
Suzy McKee Charnas (born 1939)
Daína Chaviano (born 1960)
Richard Chwedyk (born 1955)
C. J. Cherryh (born 1942)
Ted Chiang (born 1967)
Charles Chilton (1917–2013)
John Christopher (1922–2012) (pseudonym of Samuel Youd)
Massimo Citi (born 1955)
Charles Heber Clark (1841–1915) (also known as Max Adeler and John Quill)
Arthur C. Clarke (1917–2008)
Jo Clayton (1939–1998)
Hal Clement (1922–2003) (pseudonym of Harry Clement Stubbs)
John Cleve (pseudonym of Andrew J. Offutt)
Mark Clifton (1906–1963)
Brenda Clough (born 1955)
John Clute (born 1940)
Stanton A. Coblentz (1896–1982)
Theodore Cogswell (1918–1987)
Frona Eunice Wait Colburn (1859–1946)
Eoin Colfer (born 1965)
Erroll Collins (1906–1991) (pseudonym of Ellen Edith Hannah Redknap)
Suzanne Collins (1962)
Juanita Coulson (1933)
David G. Compton (born 1930)
Michael Coney (1932–2005)
Groff Conklin (1904–1968)
Storm Constantine (born 1956)
Glen Cook (born 1944)
Hugh Cook (1956–2008)
Paul Cook (born 1950)
Edmund Cooper (1926–1982)
Alfred Coppel (1921–2004)
James S. A. Corey (joint pseudonym of Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck)
Larry Correia (born 1977)
Richard Cowper (1926–2002) (pseudonym John Middleton Murry, Jr. used when writing science fiction)
Erle Cox (1873–1950)
John G. Cramer (born 1934)
Michael Crichton (1942–2008)
Robert Cromie (1855–1907)
Compton N. Crook (1908–1981) (also known as Stephen Tall)
John Crowley (born 1942)
Andrew Crumey (born 1961)
Ray Cummings (1887–1957)
Julie E. Czerneda (born 1955)


Cory Doctorow, 2007
Vox Day
Roald Dahl (1916–1990)
Brian Daley (1947–1996)
John Dalmas (born 1926)
Tony Daniel (born 1963)
Jack Dann (born 1945)
Maurice Georges Dantec (born 1959)
Dennis Danvers (born 1947)
Clark Darlton (1920–2005) (pseudonym of Walter Ernsting)
Avram Davidson (1923–1993)
Chan Davis (born 1926) (pseudonym of Dr. Chandler Davis)
Vox Day (born 1968)
L. Sprague de Camp (1907–2000)
Antonio de Macedo (born 1931)
James De Mille (1833–1880)
Marianne de Pierres (born 1961)
Stephen Dedman (born 1959)
Jon Del Arroz (born 1982)
Lester del Rey (1915–1993)
Samuel R. Delany (born 1942)
Bradley Denton (born 1958)
August Derleth (1909–1971)
A.J. Deutsch (1918–1969)
Graham Diamond (born 1949)
Philip K. Dick (1928–1982)
Gordon R. Dickson (1923–2001)
William C. Dietz (born 1945)
Thomas M. Disch (1940–2008)
Alfred Döblin (1878–1957)
Cory Doctorow (born 1971)
Stephen R. Donaldson (born 1947)
Candas Dorsey (born 1952)
Terry Dowling (born 1947)
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859–1930)
Debra Doyle (born 1952)
Gardner Dozois (born 1947)
David Drake (born 1945)
Tananarive Due (born 1966)
Catherine Dufour (born 1966)
Jacek Dukaj (born 1974)
Jean-Claude Dunyach (born 1957)


Carol Emshwiller, 1998
C. M. Eddy, Jr. (1896–1967)
G. C. Edmondson (1922–1995)
George Alec Effinger (1947–2002)
Ivan Antonovich Efremov (1907–1972) (in Russian Иван Антонович Ефремов)
Greg Egan (born 1961)
Suzette Haden Elgin (born 1936)
E. C. Eliott (1908–1971) (pseudonym of Reginald Alec Martin)
William B. Ellern (born 1933)
Harlan Ellison (born 1934)
Roger Elwood (1933–2007)
Carol Emshwiller (born 1921)
M. J. Engh (born 1933)
Steven Erikson (born 1959) pseudonym of Steve Rune Lundin
Walter Ernsting (1920–2005)
Andreas Eschbach (born 1959)
Kelley Eskridge (born 1960)
Valerio Evangelisti (born 1952)
Christopher Evans (born 1951)


"Telefonoscope" from Camille Flammarion, La Fin du Monde, 1894
Eric Flint
Jane Fancher (born 1952)
Ralph Milne Farley (1887–1963) (pseudonym of Roger Sherman Hoar)
Philip José Farmer (1918–2009)
Nabil Farouk (born 1956)
Howard Fast (1914–2003)
John Russell Fearn (1908–1960)
Cynthia Felice (born 1942) ISFDB
Brad Ferguson (born 1953)
Sheila Finch (born 1935)
Jack Finney (1911–1995)
Nicholas Fisk (born 1923) (pseudonym of David Higginbottom)
Camille Flammarion (1842–1925)
Eric Flint (born 1947)
Michael Flynn (born 1947)
Charles L. Fontenay (1917–2007)
Jeffrey Ford (born 1955)
John M. Ford (1957–2006)
William R. Forstchen (born 1950)
E. M. Forster (1879–1970)
Robert L. Forward (1932–2002)
Richard Foss
Alan Dean Foster (born 1946)
M. A. Foster (born 1939)
Karen Joy Fowler (born 1950)
Randall Frakes ISFDB
Herbert W. Franke (born 1927)
Yves Fremion (born 1940)
C. S. Friedman (born 1957)
Oscar J. Friend (1897–1963)
Esther Friesner (born 1951)


Neil Gaiman, 2004
James Gunn
Neil Gaiman (born 1960)
Raymond Z. Gallun (1911–1994)
Daniel F. Galouye (1920–1976)
James Alan Gardner (born 1955)
Martin Gardner (1914–2010)
Richard Garfinkle (fl. 1990s)
Randall Garrett (1927–1987)
Laurent Genefort (born 1968)
Mary Gentle (born 1956)
Alistair Gentry
Peter George (1924–1966)
Hugo Gernsback (1884–1967) (namesake of the Hugo Award)
David Gerrold (born 1944)
Mark S. Geston (born 1946)
Edward Gibson (born 1936)
Gary Gibson (born 1965)
William Gibson (born 1948)
Alexis A. Gilliland (born 1931)
John Glasby (1928–2011)
Molly Gloss (born 1944)
Parke Godwin (1929–2013)
Tom Godwin (1915–1980)
H. L. Gold (1914–1996)
Lee Gold (born 1942)
Lisa Goldstein (born 1953)
Kathleen Ann Goonan (born 1952)
Rex Gordon (1917–1998) (pseudonym of Stanley Bennett Hough)
Richard Gordon (born 1947)
Phyllis Gotlieb (1926–2009)
Ron Goulart (born 1933)
Charles L. Grant (1942–2006)
Roland J. Green (born 1944)
Colin Greenland (born 1954)
William Greenleaf (born 1948)
Percy Greg (1836–1889)
Lois Gresh (born 1965)
George Griffith (1857–1906)
Nicola Griffith (born 1960)
Jon Courtenay Grimwood (born 1953)
Ken Grimwood (1944–2003)
Alexander Gromov (in Russian Алексáндр Николáевич Грóмов)
Martin Grzimek (born 1950)
Wyman Guin (1915–1989)
Eileen Gunn (born 1945)
James E. Gunn (born 1923)


Peter F. Hamilton, 2006
Elizabeth Hand, 2007
Midshipman Robert A. Heinlein, 1929
Ludvig Holberg, 1747
Muhammed Zafar Iqbal, 2013
PJ Haarsma (born 1964)
Karen Haber (born 1955)
H. Rider Haggard (1856–1925)
Ronald M. Hahn (born 1948)
Jack C. Haldeman II (1941–2002)
Joe Haldeman (born 1943)
Barbara Hambly (born 1951)
Edmond Hamilton (1904–1977)
Peter F. Hamilton (born 1960)
Elizabeth Hand (born 1957)
Lee Harding (born 1937)
Charles L. Harness (1915–2005)
Tara K. Harper (born 1961)
Clare Winger Harris (1891–1968)
Harry Harrison (1925–2012)
M. John Harrison (born 1945)
Henry Hasse (1913–77)
Simon Hawke (born 1951)
Peter Heck (born 1941)
Robert A. Heinlein (1907–88)
Zenna Henderson (1917–83)
Brian Herbert (born 1947)
Frank Herbert (1920 – 86), Dune
Philip E. High (1914–2006)
Douglas Hill (born 1935)
Ernest Hill (1915–2003)
Christopher Hinz (born 1951)
Morioka Hiroyuki (born 1962) (in Japanese 森岡浩之)
P. C. Hodgell (born 1951)
William Hope Hodgson (1877–1918)
E. T. A. Hoffman (1776–1822)
Lee Hoffman (born 1932)
Ludvig Holberg (1684–1754)
H. H. Hollis (1921–77) (pseudonym of Ben Neal Ramey)
James P. Hogan (1941–2010)
Elizabeth Holden (born 1943)
Robert Holdstock (1948–2009)
Nalo Hopkinson (born 1960)
Shinichi Hoshi (1926–1997)
Robert Ervin Howard (1906–1936) (Conan)
Fred Hoyle (1915–2001)
L. Ron Hubbard (1911–86)
Marek Huberath (born 1954)
Matt Hughes (born 1949)
Monica Hughes (1925–2003)
Edna Mayne Hull (1905–1975)
Cyril Hume (1900 - 66), Forbidden Planet
Stephen Hunt (born 1966)
Aldous Huxley (1894–1963)


Dean Ing (born 1931)
Simon Ings (born 1965)
Muhammed Zafar Iqbal (born 1952), the best-known Bangladeshi SF author


James Patrick Kelly, 2008
John Jakes (born 1932)
Phil Janes
Laurence Janifer (1933–2002)
Wolfgang Jeschke (1936–2015)
K. W. Jeter (born 1950)
Michel Jeury (1934–2015)
George Clayton Johnson (born 1929)
D. F. Jones (1917–1981)
Gwyneth Jones (born 1952)
Neil R. Jones (1909–1988)
Raymond F. Jones (1915–1994)
Diana Wynne Jones, (1934–2011)
Robert Jordan, (1948–2007)
M. K. Joseph (1914–1981)
Emmanuel Jouanne (1960–2008)
Theodore Judson (born 1951)


Stephen King, 2007
Nancy Kress (center), with author Delia Sherman (left) and editor Ellen Datlow (right)
Tom Kratman
Franz Kafka (1883–1924)
Janet Kagan (1946–2008)
Johann Kalsi
Michael Kandel (born 1941)
Colin Kapp (1928–2007)
Alexander Kazantsev, (1906–2002)
Joseph E. Kelleam (1913–1975)
James Patrick Kelly (born 1951)
Steven L. Kent (born 1928)
Katharine Kerr (born 1944)
John Kessel (born 1950)
Roy Kettle (born 1949)
Alexander Key (1904–1979)
Daniel Keyes (1927–2014)
Gregory Keyes (born 1963)
David Kier (born 1943)
Caitlín R. Kiernan (born 1964)
Lee Killough (born 1942)
Wade A. Kimberlin (born 1970)
Sara King (born 1982)
Stephen King (born 1947)
T. Jackson King (born 1948)
Vincent King (born 1935)
Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936)
John Kippax (1915–1974)
Annette Curtis Klause
Donald Kingsbury (born 1929)
Hugh Kingsmill (1889–1949)
David Barr Kirtley (born 1977)
Gérard Klein (born 1937)
Otis Adelbert Kline (1891–1946)
Nigel Kneale (1922–2006)
Damon Knight (1922–2002)
Norman L. Knight (1895–1972)
Dean R. Koontz (born 1945)
Cyril M. Kornbluth (1923–1958)
Tom Kratman (born 1956)
Nancy Kress (born 1948)
Günther Krupkat (1905–1990)
Zoran Krušvar (born 1977)
Michael P. Kube-McDowell (born 1954)
Michael Kurland (born 1938)
Henry Kuttner (1915–1958)


Shariann Lewitt, 2007
Jack London, 1900
Stanisław Lem, 1966
R. A. Lafferty (1914–2002)
Louis L'Amour (1908–1988)
Geoffrey Landis (born 1955)
David Langford (born 1953)
Sterling E. Lanier (1927–2007)
Justine Larbalestier (born 1967)
Glen A. Larson (born 1937)
Kurd Lasswitz (1848–1910)
Yulia Latynina (born 1966)
Keith Laumer (1925–1993)
Stephen R. Lawhead (born 1950)
Ursula K. Le Guin (born 1929)
Gentry Lee (born 1942)
Mary Soon Lee (born 1965)
Sharon Lee (born 1952)
Stan Lee (born 1922)
Tanith Lee (1947–2015)
Yoon Ha Lee (born 1979)
Kimmo Lehtonen (born 1967)
Fritz Leiber (1910–1992)
Murray Leinster (1896–1975) (pseudonym of Will F. Jenkins)
Stanisław Lem (1921–2006)
Edward M. Lerner (born 1949)
Doris Lessing (1919–2013)
Jonathan Lethem (born 1964)
Paul Levinson (born 1947)
Roger Levy
C. S. Lewis (1898–1963)
Shariann Lewitt (born 1954)
Jacqueline Lichtenberg (born 1942)
Jean-Marc Ligny (born 1956)
Brad Linaweaver (born 1952)
Dénis Lindbohm (1927–2005)
David Lindsay (1876–1945)
Liu Cixin (born 1963)
John Uri Lloyd (1849–1936)
Jack London (1876–1916)
Barry B. Longyear (born 1942)
Jean Lorrah (born 1938)
H. P. Lovecraft (1890–1937)
Archibald Low (1888–1956)
Lois Lowry (born 1937)
George Lucas (born 1944), Star Wars
Lucian (120-after 180)
Nicole Luiken (born 1971)
Sergey Lukyanenko (born 1968)
Sam Lundwall (born 1941)
Duncan Lunan (born 1945)
Richard A. Lupoff (born 1935)
Elizabeth A. Lynn (born 1946)
Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803–1873)


A. Merritt, The Metal Monster, 1920
China Miéville, 2006
James Morrow, 2007
Darko Macan (born 1966)
James D. Macdonald (born 1954)
John D. MacDonald (1916–1986)
F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre (ca. 1948–2010?)
R. W. Mackelworth (1930–2000)
Katherine MacLean (born 1925)
Ian R. MacLeod (born 1956)
Ken MacLeod (born 1954)
Angus MacVicar (1908–2001)
Tom Maddox (born 1945)
Charles Eric Maine (1921–1981) (pseudonym of David McIlwain)
Donald Malcolm (1930–1975)
Daryl F. Mallett (born 1969)
Barry N. Malzberg (born 1939)
Laurence Manning (1899–1972)
Leo Margulies (1900–1975)
Stephen Marley (born 1946)
Paul Marlowe
George R. R. Martin (born 1948)
Rodolfo Martínez (born 1965)
David Marusek (born 1951)
Richard Matheson (1926–2013)
Susan R. Matthews (born 1952)
Julian May (born 1931)
Ged Maybury (born 1953)
Paul J. McAuley (born 1955)
Anne McCaffrey (1926–2011)
Wil McCarthy (born 1966)
David McDaniel (1944–1977)
Jack McDevitt (born 1935)
Ian McDonald (born 1960)
Maureen F. McHugh (born 1959)
J. T. McIntosh (1925–2008)
Vonda McIntyre (born 1948)
Neil McMahon (born 1949)
Sean McMullen (born 1948)
Mike McQuay (1949–1995)
John Meaney (born 1951)
S. P. Meek (1894–1972)
Miguel Mendonça (born 1973)
Richard C. Meredith (1937–1979)
Robert Merle (1908–2004)
Judith Merril (1923–1997)
A. Merritt (1884–1943)
Melinda Metz, author of Roswell High series
Robert A. Metzger (born 1956)
Stephenie Meyer (born 1973)
Gibson Michaels (1950-2017)
China Miéville (born 1972)
P. Schuyler Miller (1912–1974)
Walter M. Miller, Jr. (1923–1996) A Canticle for Leibowitz
Edward Page Mitchell (1852–1927)
Kirk Mitchell (born 1950)
Syne Mitchell (born 1970)
Naomi Mitchison (1897–1999)
Premendra Mitra (1904–1988)
L. E. Modesitt, Jr. (born 1943)
Donald Moffitt (1936–2014)
Elizabeth Moon (born 1945)
Michael Moorcock (born 1939)
Alan Moore (born 1953)
C. L. Moore (1911–1987)
Patrick Moore (1923–2012)
Ward Moore (1903–1978)
Daniel Keys Moran (born 1962)
Dan Morgan (1925–2011)
Richard Morgan (born 1965)
Chris Moriarty (born 1968)
Chris Morris (born 1946)
Janet Morris (born 1946)
William Morrison, (1906–1982) (pseudonym of Joseph Samachson)
James Morrow (born 1947)
Sam Moskowitz (1920–1997)
Pat Murphy (born 1955)


Larry Niven
Linda Nagata (born 1960)
Jayant Narlikar (born 1938) (Marathi: जयंत विष्णू नारळीकर)
Ondrej Neff (born 1945)
Geoff Nelder (born 1947)
Ray Nelson (born 1931)
István Nemere (born 1944)
Josef Nesvadba (1926–2005)
Kris Neville (1925–1980)
Yuri Nikitin (in Russian Юрий Никитин) (born 1939)
Larry Niven (born 1938)
Nick Nielsen (possibly pseudonym)
William F. Nolan (born 1928)
Jeff Noon (born 1957)
John Norman (born 1931), the Gor series
Lisanne Norman (born 1951)
Eric North (pseudonym of Bernard Cronin (1884–1968))
Andre Norton (1912–2005) (pseudonym of Alice Mary Norton)
Alan E. Nourse (1928–1992)
Eric S. Nylund (born 1964)


George Orwell, 1943
Robert C. O'Brien (1918–1973)
Kevin O'Donnell, Jr. (born 1950)
Patrick O'Leary (born 1952)
Raven Oak (born 1977)
Vladimir Obruchev (1863–1956)
Andrew J. Offutt (born 1934)
Nnedi Okorafor (born 1974)
Chad Oliver (1928–1993)
Jerry Oltion (born 1957)
John Ostrander (born 1949)
Jerry Ordway (born 1957)
Marek Oramus (born 1952)
Rebecca Ore (born 1948)
George Orwell (1903–1950) (pseudonym of Eric Arthur Blair)


Edgar Allan Poe, "The Tell-Tale Heart", illustration by Harry Clarke
Mike Resnick
Michel Pagel (born 1961)
George Pal (1908 - 80) When Worlds Collide
David R. Palmer (born 1941)
Raymond A. Palmer (1910–1977)
Edgar Pangborn (1909–1976)
Alexei Panshin (born 1940)
Cory Panshin, born (1947)
Richard Paolinelli, born 1964
James Patterson (born 1947)
Stel Pavlou (born 1970)
Donald G. Payne (born 1924, also known as James Vance Marshall, Ian Cameron, and Donald Gordon)
Hayford Peirce (born 1942)
Charles Pellegrino (born 1953)
Dalibor Perković (born 1974)
Lawrence Person (born 1965)
Steve Perry (born 1947)
Emil Petaja (1915–2000)
John T. Phillifent (1916–1976)
Mark Phillips (joint pseudonym used by Laurence Janifer (1933–2002) and Randall Garrett (1927–1987))
Rog Phillips (1909–1965) (pseudonym of Roger P. Graham)
Eden Phillpotts (1862–1960)
John R. Pierce (1910–2002) (also known as J.J. Coupling)
Marge Piercy (born 1936)
H. Beam Piper (1904–1964)
Doris Piserchia (born 1928)
Brian Plante (born 1956)
Charles Platt (born 1945)
P. J. Plauger (born 1944)
Van Allen Plexico (born 1968)
Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1849)
Frederik Pohl (1919–2013)
Arthur Porges (1915–2006)
Jerry Pournelle (born 1933)
Gareth L. Powell (born 1970)
Tim Powers (born 1952)
Terry Pratchett (1948–2015), Discworld series
Fletcher Pratt (1897–1956)
Robert Presslie (1920–2002)
Paul Preuss (born 1942)
Christopher Priest (born 1943)
Philip Pullman (born 1946)


Roberto Quaglia (born 1962)
William Thomas Quick (born 1946)
Daniel Quinn (born 1935)


Adam Roberts, 2008
Kim Stanley Robinson, 2005
Rudy Rucker, 2006
Ayn Rand (1905–1982)
Sujatha Rangarajan (1935–2008)
Bill Ransom ISFDB
Carlos Rasch (born 1932)
Melanie Rawn (born 1954)
Satyajit Ray (1921–1992)
Tom Reamy (1935–1977)
Robert Reed (born 1956)
Philip Reeve (born 1966)
Miha Remec (born 1928)
Maurice Renard (1875–1939)
Laura Resnick (born 1962)
Mike Resnick (born 1942)
Lester del Rey (1915–1993)
Alastair Reynolds (born 1966)
Mack Reynolds (1917–1983)
Christopher Rice (born 1978)
John Ringo (born 1963)
Adam Roberts (born 1965)
Keith Roberts (1935–2000)
Shauna S. Roberts (born 1956)
Frank M. Robinson (1926–2014)
Jeanne Robinson (1948–2010)
Kim Stanley Robinson (born 1952)
Spider Robinson (born 1948)
Justina Robson (born 1968)
Esther Rochon(born 1948)
Ross Rocklynne (1913–1988)
Gene Roddenberry (1921–1991), Star Trek
Simon Rose (born 1961)
Joel Rosenberg (born 1954), Guardians of the Flame
J.-H. Rosny (joint pseudonym of Joseph (1856–1940) and Séraphin (1859–1948) Boex)
Patrick Rothfuss (born 1973)
Milton A. Rothman (1919–2001)
Tony Rothman (born 1953)
William Rotsler (1926–1997)
Christopher Rowley (born 1948)
Rudy Rucker (born 1946)
Kristine Kathryn Rusch (born 1960)
Joanna Russ (1937–2011)
Richard Paul Russo (born 1954)
Eric Frank Russell (1905–1978)
Mary Doria Russell (born 1950)
Geoff Ryman (born 1951)


Fred Saberhagen
Robert J. Sawyer, 2005
Cordwainer Smith (Paul Linebarger), 1953
E. E. "Doc" Smith
Allen Steele
Charles Stross, 2005
Michael Swanwick, 2005
Fred Saberhagen (1930–2007)
Carl Sagan (1934–1996)
Nick Sagan (born 1970)
Don Sakers (born 1958)
Margaret St. Clair (1911–1995) (also known as Idris Seabright)
Emilio Salgari (1862–1911)
Domingo Santos (born 1941) (pseudonym of Pedro Domingo Mutiñó)
Pamela Sargent (born 1948)
Al Sarrantonio (born 1952)
Robert J. Sawyer (born 1960)
John Scalzi (born 1969)
Nat Schachner (1895–1955)
Paul Scheerbart (1863–1915)
Joseph Schlossel (1902–1977)
James H. Schmitz (1911–1974)
Stanley Schmidt (born 1944)
Lawrence M. Schoen (born 1959)
Karl Schroeder (born 1962)
J. Neil Schulman (born 1953)
George H. Scithers (1929–2010)
Thomas N. Scortia (1926–1986)
Arthur Sellings (1911–1968)
Józef Sękowski (1800–1858)
Rod Serling (1924–1975)
Michael Shaara (1928–1988)
William Shatner (born 1931)
Richard S. Shaver (1907–1975)
Bob Shaw (1931–1996)
Nisi Shawl (born 1955)
Michael Shea (1946–2014)
Robert Sheckley (1928–2005)
Charles Sheffield (1935–2002)
Mary Shelley (1797–1851)
Lucius Shepard (born 1947)
Joel Shepherd (born 1974)
M. P. Shiel (1865–1947)
T. L. Sherred (1915–1985)
Lewis Shiner (born 1950)
Sharon Shinn (born 1957)
Wilmar H. Shiras (1908–1990)
John Shirley (born 1953)
Shumil (born 1957)
William Shunn (born 1967)
Luís Filipe Silva (born 1969)
Robert Silverberg (born 1935)
Clifford D. Simak (1904–1988)
Dan Simmons (born 1948)
Johanna Sinisalo (born 1958)
Curt Siodmak (1902–2000)
John Sladek (1937–2000)
William Sleator (born 1945)
Joan Slonczewski (born 1956)
George Edgar Slusser (1939–2014)
Clark Ashton Smith (1893–1961)
Cordwainer Smith (1913–1966) (pseudonym of Paul M.A. Linebarger)
E. E. Smith (1890–1965)
Michael Marshall Smith (born 1965)
George O. Smith (1911–1981)
L. Neil Smith (born 1946)
Melinda Snodgrass (born 1951)
Jerry Sohl (1913–2002)
Martha Soukup (born 1959)
Steven Spielberg (born 1946) Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Norman Spinrad (born 1940)
Nancy Springer (born 1948)
Margaret St. Clair (1911–1985)
Dana Stabenow (born 1952)
Brian Stableford (born 1948)
Michael Stackpole (born 1957)
Olaf Stapledon (1886–1950)
Roman Frederick Starzl (1899–1976)
Christopher Stasheff (born 1944)
John Steakley (born 1951)
Allen Steele (born 1958)
Angela Steinmüller (born 1941)
Karlheinz Steinmüller (born 1950)
Neal Stephenson (born 1959)
Jacques Sternberg (1923–2006)
Bruce Sterling (born 1954)
Francis Stevens (1883–1948) (pseudonym of Gertrude Barrows Bennett)
Marc Stiegler (born 1954)
Ron Stillman (pseudonym of Don Bendell)
G. Harry Stine (1928–1997) (also known as Lee Corey)
S. M. Stirling (born 1953)
John E. Stith (born 1947)
J. Michael Straczynski (born 1954), Babylon 5
Giampietro Stocco (born 1961)
Manning Lee Stokes (1911–1976)
Charles Stross (born 1964)
Arkady and Boris Strugatsky ((1925–1991) and (1933–2012) respectively) (in Russian, Аркадий и Борис Стругацкие[1])
Theodore Sturgeon (1918–1985) (pseudonym of Edward Hamilton Waldo)
Somtow Sucharitkul (also known as S. P. Somtow)
Tricia Sullivan (born 1968)
Richard J. Sutcliffe (born 1947)
Michael Swanwick (born 1950)
Jonathan Swift (1667–1745)
Michael Szameit (born 1950)


Wilson Tucker
Harry Turtledove, 2005
John Taine (1883–1960) (pseudonym of Eric Temple Bell)
Stephen Tall (1908–1981) (pseudonym of Compton N. Crook)
Yoshiki Tanaka, (born 1952), Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Charles R. Tanner (1896–1974)
Andrius Tapinas (born 1977)
Howard Tayler, (born 1968), webcomic Schlock Mercenary
Mark Anthony Taylor (born 1970)
Travis S Taylor (born 1968)
Steve Rasnic Tem (born 1950)
William F. Temple (1914–1989)
Tais Teng (born 1952) (nom de plume of Thijs van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen)
William Tenn (1920–2010) (pseudonym of Philip Klass)
Sheri S. Tepper (born 1929)
Tom Terry (born 1963)
Walter Tevis (1928–1984)
Theodore L. Thomas (1920–2005)
Robert Thurston (born 1936)
Mark W. Tiedemann (born 1954)
Patrick Tilley (born 1928)
James M. Tiptree, Jr (1915–1987) (pseudonym of Alice Sheldon)
Lavie Tidhar (born 1976)
Aleksei Nikolaevich Tolstoi (born 1882 or 1883, died 1945) (in Russian Алексей Николаевич Толстой)
Karen Traviss
Edwin Charles Tubb (1919–2010)
George Tucker (1775–1861)
Wilson Tucker (1914–2006)
George Turner (1916–1997)
Harry Turtledove (born 1949)
Mary Turzillo (born 1940)
John Twelve Hawks
Kathy Tyers (born 1952)


Steven Utley (1948–2013)


Jack Vance at the helm of his boat, early 1980s
Jack Vance (1916–2013)
Jeff VanderMeer (born 1968)
James Van Pelt (born 1954)
Sydney J. Van Scyoc (born 1939)
Robert E. Vardeman (born 1947)
A. E. van Vogt (1912–2000)
John Varley (born 1947)
Vladimir Vasilyev (born 1967)
Vercors (1902–1991) (pseudonym of Jean Bruller)
Jules Verne (1828–1905)
Joan D. Vinge (born 1948)
Vernor Vinge (born 1944)
Voltaire (1694–1778)
Elisabeth Vonarburg (born 1947)
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1922–2007)


Stanley G. Weinbaum
H. G. Wells, The War of the Worlds, 1906 edition
Walter Jon Williams, 2006
Jack Womack at the KGB Bar, NYC, 2008
Roland C. Wagner (1960–2012)
Howard Waldrop (born 1946)
Rod Walker
F. L. Wallace (1915–2004) (also known as Floyd Wallace)
Ian Wallace (1912–1998)
Hugh Walters (1910–1993)
Donald Wandrei (1908–1987)
Ian Watson (born 1943)
Lawrence Watt-Evans (born 1954)
Peter Watts (born 1958)
Don Webb (born 1960)
David Weber (born 1952), Honor Harrington series
Stanley G. Weinbaum (1902–1935)
Richard M. Weiner (born 1930)
Jan Weiss (1892–1972)
Manly Wade Wellman (1903–1986)
Angus Wells (1943–2006)
H. G. Wells (1866–1946)
Martha Wells (born 1964)
K. D. Wentworth (1951–2012)
Bernard Werber (born 1961)
Wallace West (1900–1980)
Scott Westerfeld (born 1963)
Suzanne Weyn (born 1955)
Dennis Wheatley (1897–1977)
James White (1928–1999), Sector General series
Steve White (born 1946)
Ted White (born 1938)
Sonny Whitelaw (born 1956), Stargate series
Cherry Wilder (1930–2002)
Kate Wilhelm (born 1928)
Lynda Williams (born 1958), Okal Rel Universe series
Liz Williams (born 1965)
Rob Williams, 2000 AD
Sean Williams (born 1967)
Tad Williams (born 1957), Otherland
Walter Jon Williams (born 1953)
Jack Williamson (1908–2006)
Michael Z. Williamson (born 1967)
Connie Willis (born 1945)
Colin Wilson (born 1931)
D. Harlan Wilson (born 1971)
F. Paul Wilson (born 1946)
Robert Anton Wilson (1932–2007)
Robert Charles Wilson (born 1953)
Richard Wilson (1920–1987)
David Wingrove (born 1954), Chung Kuo series
Adam Wiśniewski-Snerg (1937–1995)
Otto Witt (1875–1923)
Gene Wolfe (born 1931)
Donald A. Wollheim (1914–1990) (various pseudonyms)
Edmund Wnuk-Lipinski (born 1944)
Jack Womack (born 1956)
John C. Wright (born 1961), The Golden Age trilogy
S. Fowler Wright (1874–1965)
Stefan Wul (1922–2003) (pseudonym of Pierre Pairault)
Philip Wylie (1902–1971)
John Wyndham (1903–1969) (pseudonym of John Beynon Harris)


Xia Jia (born 1984)


Charles Yu, 2011
Nir Yaniv (born 1972)
Tetsu Yano (1923–2004)
Jane Yolen (born 1939)
Robert Franklin Young (1915–1986)
Charles Yu (born 1976)


Timothy Zahn, 2012
Timothy Zahn (born 1951)
Janusz A. Zajdel (1938–1985)
Yevgeny Zamyatin (1884–1937)
George Zebrowski (born 1945)
Roger Zelazny (1937–1995)
Tully Zetford (pseudonym of Kenneth Bulmer)
Sarah Zettel (born 1966)
Rafal A. Ziemkiewicz (born 1964)
Andrzej Ziemiański (born 1960)
Aleksandar Ziljak (born 1963)
Werner Zillig (born 1949)
David Zindell (born 1952)
Pamela Zoline (born 1941)

See also


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A useful book for looking up authors is A Reader's Guide to Science Fiction, by Baird Searles, Martin Last, Beth Meacham, and Michael Franklin (1979). It also tells you whom else you might like if you like one author.

Other invaluable works include The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, edited by John Clute and Peter Nicholls (2nd. Ed. 1991), The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, edited by George Mann (1999) (ISBN 0-7867-0887-5 or ISBN 1-84119-177-9), and Twentieth Century Science Fiction Writers, edited by Curtis C. Smith (1981) (ISBN 0-312-82420-3).

External links

  1. Individually, their names are Аркадий Стругацкий and Борис Стругацкий.