List of programs broadcast by Korean Broadcasting System
This is a list of programs broadcast on South Korean terrestrial television channels KBS1 and KBS2 of Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) network.
- 1 Prime-time dramas
- 1.1 KBS2 Monday-Tuesday dramas
- 1.2 KBS2 Wednesday-Thursday dramas
- 1.3 KBS2 Friday dramas
- 1.4 KBS2 Friday-Saturday dramas
- 1.5 KBS2 Saturday-Sunday dramas (19:55)
- 1.6 KBS1 Saturday-Sunday dramas (21:45)
- 1.7 KBS2 Saturday-Sunday dramas (21:30)
- 1.8 KBS1 Monday to Friday dramas (20:25)
- 1.9 KBS2 Monday to Friday dramas (18:50)
- 1.10 KBS2 Monday to Friday dramas (19:45)
- 1.11 KBS1 Monday to Saturday dramas (08:00)
- 1.12 KBS2 Monday to Friday dramas (09:00)
- 1.13 KBS2 Sunday dramas (08:55)
- 1.14 KBS2 Saturday anthology (23:15)
- 1.15 KBS2 Sunday anthology (23:15)
- 2 Award shows
- 3 Documentaries
- 4 News and current affairs
- 5 Sports
- 6 Entertainment
- 7 Children's
- 8 See also
- 9 References
- 10 External links
Prime-time dramas
KBS prime-time flagship dramas are broadcast on KBS2 at 21:55, generally with three series airing simultaneously, with each series airing on two connesecutive nights: Mondays and Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays; and Saturday and Sunday; and on KBS1 at 20:25, every weekdays and at 20:40 on Saturdays, following the weekend edition of KBS News 9.
KBS2 Monday-Tuesday dramas
For further details see Korean-language Wikipedia article: 한국방송공사 월화드라마.
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- Salut D'Amour (사랑의 인사; 1994)
- Invitation (초대; 1999)
- Magic Castle (마법의 성; 1999)
- She's the One (나는 그녀가 좋다; 2000)
- Look Back in Anger (성난 얼굴로 돌아보라; 2000)
- Foolish Love (바보같은 사랑; 2000)
- RNA (RNA; 2000)
- Autumn Fairy Tale (가을동화; 2000)
- Snowflakes (눈꽃; 2000-2001)
- Pretty Lady (귀여운 여인; 2001)
- Stock Flower (비단향꽃무; 2001)
- Life is Beautiful (인생은 아름다워; 2001)
- Cool (쿨; 2001)
- Pure Heart (순정; 2001)
- Mina (미나; 2001)
- Winter Sonata (겨울연가; 2002)
- Sunshine Hunting (햇빛 사냥; 2002)
- Hard Love (거침없는 사랑; 2002)
- Loving You (러빙유; 2002)
- Children of Heaven (천국의 아이들; 2002)
- Solitude (고독; 2002)
- Wife (아내; 2003)
- Summer Scent (여름향기; 2003)
- Sang Doo! Let's Go to School (상두야, 학교가자!; 2003)
- She is the Best (그녀는 짱; 2003-2004)
- Sweet 18 (낭랑18세; 2004)
- Taste Sweet Love (백설공주; 2004)
- Beijing, My Love (북경, 내 사랑; 2004)
- Forbidden Love (구미호외전; 2004)
- Oh Feel Young (오!필승 봉순영; 2004)
- I'm Sorry, I Love You (미안하다,사랑한다; 2004)
- Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang (쾌걸 춘향; 2005)
- 18 vs. 29 (열여덟, 스물아홉; 2005)
- Loveholic (러브홀릭; 2005)
- Ice Girl (그녀가 돌아왔다; 2005)
- Wedding (웨딩; 2005)
- A Love to Kill (이 죽일 놈의 사랑; 2005)
- Hello God (안녕하세요 하느님; 2006)
- Spring Waltz (봄의 왈츠; 2006)
- Mr. Goodbye (미스터 굿바이; 2006)
- The Vineyard Man (포도밭 그사나이; 2006)
- Cloud Stairs (구름계단; 2006)
- The Snow Queen (눈의 여왕; 2006-2007)
- When Spring Comes (꽃피는 봄이오면; 2007)
- Hello! Miss (헬로 애기씨; 2007)
- Flowers For My Life (꽃 찾으러 왔단다; 2007)
- Conspiracy in the Court (한성별곡; 2007)
- I Am Sam (아이엠샘; 2007)
- Evasive Inquiry Agency (얼렁뚱땅 흥신소; 2007)
- Bad Love (못된 사랑; 2007)
- Single Dad in Love (싱글파파는 열애중; 2008)
- Formidable Rivals (강적들; 2008)
- Strongest Chil Woo (최강칠우; 2008)
- Love Marriage (연애결혼; 2008)
- The World That They Live In (그들이 사는 세상; 2008)
- Boys Over Flowers (꽃보다 남자; 2009)
- The Slingshot (남자이야기; 2009)
- He Who Can't Marry (결혼 못하는 남자; 2009)
- Hometown Legends (전설의 고향; 2009)
- The Queen Returns (공주가 돌아왔다; 2009)
- Invincible Lee Pyung Kang (천하무적 이평강; 2009)
- Master of Study (공부의 신; 2010)
- Becoming a Billionaire (부자의 탄생; 2010)
- Secret Agent Miss Oh (국가가 부른다; 2010)
- Grudge: The Revolt of Gumiho (구미호: 여우누이뎐; 2010)
- Sungkyunkwan Scandal (성균관 스캔들; 2010)
- Mary Stayed Out All Night (매리는 외박중; 2010)
- Dream High (드림하이; 2011)
- Detectives in Trouble (강력반; 2011)
- Baby Faced Beauty (동안미녀; 2011)
- Spy Myung-wol (스파이 명월; 2011)
- Poseidon (포세이돈; 2011)
- Brain (브레인; 2011–2012)
- Dream High 2 (드림하이 2; 2012)
- Love Rain (사랑비; 2012)
- Big (빅; 2012)
- Haeundae Lovers (해운대 연인들; 2012)
- Ohlala Couple (울랄라 부부; 2012)
- School 2013 (학교 2013; 2012–2013)
- Ad Genius Lee Tae-baek (광고천재 이태백; 2013)
- Queen of the Office (직장의 신; 2013)
- Shark (상어; 2013)
- Good Doctor (굿 닥터; 2013)
- Marry Him If You Dare (미래의 선택; 2013)
- Prime Minister and I (총리와 나; 2013–2014)
- The Full Sun (태양은 가득히; 2014)
- Big Man (빅맨; 2014)
- Trot Lovers (트로트의 연인; 2014)
- Discovery of Love (연애의 발견; 2014)
- Cantabile Tomorrow (내일도 칸타빌레; 2014)
- Healer (힐러; 2014)
- Blood (블러드; 2015)
- Who Are You: School 2015 (학교 2015; 2015)
- Hello Monster (너를 기억해; 2015)
- The Virtual Bride (별난 며느리; 2015)
- Cheer Up! (발칙하게 고고; 2015)
- Oh My Venus (오 마이 비너스; 2015-2016)
- Moorim School (무림학교; 2016)
- Baby Sitter (베이비시터; 2016)
- My Lawyer, Mr. Jo (동네 변호사 조들호; 2016)
- The Return of Baek Hee (백희가 돌아왔다; 2016)
- Beautiful Mind (뷰티풀 마인드; 2016)
- Moonlight Drawn by Clouds (구르미 그린 달빛; 2016)
KBS2 Wednesday-Thursday dramas
For further details see Korean-language Wikipedia article: 한국방송공사 수목드라마.
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- Papa (파파; 1996)
- Empress Myeongseong (명성황후; 2001)
- More Beautiful Than a Flower (꽃보다 아름다워; 2004)
- April Kiss (4월 키스; 2004)
- Full House (풀하우스; 2004)
- Second Proposal (두번째 프러포즈; 2004)
- Emperor of the Sea (해신; 2004)
- Resurrection (부활; 2005)
- My Rosy Life (장밋빛 인생; 2005)
- Golden Apple (황금사과; 2005)
- Goodbye Solo (굿바이솔로; 2006)
- Great Inheritance (위대한 유산; 2006)
- The Invisible Man(투명인간 최장수; 2006)
- Special Crime Investigation: Murder in the Blue House (특수수사일지: 1호관 사건; 2006)
- Fugitive, Lee Doo-yong (도망자 이두용; 2006)
- Hwang Jini (황진이; 2006)
- Dal-ja's Spring (달자의 봄; 2007)
- The Devil (마왕; 2007)
- Several Questions That Make Us Happy (우리를 행복하게 하는 몇 가지 질문; 2007)
- Capital Scandal (경성스캔들; 2007)
- Sayuksin (사육신; 2007
- In-soon Is Pretty (인순이는 예쁘다; 2007)
- Hong Gil-dong (쾌도 홍길동; 2008)
- One Mom and Three Dads (아빠셋 엄마하나; 2008)
- Women of the Sun (태양의 여자; 2008)
- Hometown Legends (전설의 고향; 2008)
- The Kingdom of The Winds (바람의 나라; 2008–2009)
- My Dad Loves Trouble (경숙이 경숙아버지; 2009)
- Again, My Love (미워도 다시 한 번 2009; 2009)
- The Accidental Couple (그저 바라 보다가; 2009)
- Partner (파트너; 2009)
- My Fair Lady (아가씨를 부탁해; 2009)
- Iris (아이리스; 2009)
- The Slave Hunters (추노; 2010)
- Cinderella's Sister (신데렐라 언니; 2010)
- King of Baking, Kim Takgu (제빵왕 김탁구; 2010)
- The Fugitive: Plan B (도망자: Plan B; 2010)
- President (프레지던트; 2010–2011)
- The Thorn Birds (가시나무새; 2011)
- Romance Town (로맨스 타운; 2011)
- The Princess' Man (공주의 남자; 2011)
- Glory Jane (영광의 재인; 2011)
- Wild Romance (난폭한 로맨스; 2012)
- Just an Ordinary Love Story (보통의 연애; 2012)
- Man from the Equator (적도의 남자; 2012)
- Bridal Mask (각시탈; 2012)
- The Innocent Man (세상 어디에도 없는 착한 남자; 2012)
- Jeon Woo-chi (전우치; 2012–2013)
- Iris II (아이리스 2; 2013)
- The Fugitive of Joseon (천명; 2013)
- The Blade and Petal (칼과 꽃; 2013)
- Secret Love (비밀; 2013)
- Pretty Man (예쁜 남자; 2013–2014)
- Inspiring Generation (감격시대; 2014)
- Golden Cross (골든 크로스; 2014)
- Gunman in Joseon (조선총잡이; 2014)
- Blade Man (아이언맨; 2014)
- The King's Face (왕의 얼굴; 2014–2015)
- Unkind Ladies (착하지 않은 여자들; 2015)
- Masked Prosecutor (복면검사; 2015)
- Assembly (어셈블리; 2015)
- The Merchant: Gaekju 2015 (장사의 신 - 객주 2015; 2015-2016)
- Descendants of the Sun (태양의 후예; 2016)
- The Master of Revenge (마스터 - 국수의 신; 2016)
- Uncontrollably Fond (함부로 애틋하게; 2016)
- Hwarang: The Beginning (화랑: 더 비기닝; 2016)
KBS2 Friday dramas
- Hi! School: Love On (하이스쿨 - 러브온; 2014)
- Spy (스파이; 2015)
- Orange Marmalade (오렌지 마멀레이드;2015)
KBS2 Friday-Saturday dramas
- The Producers (프로듀사; 2015)
KBS2 Saturday-Sunday dramas (19:55)
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- First Love (첫사랑; 1996–1997)
- Love In 3 Colors (유정; 1999)
- Bodyguard (보디가드; 2003)
- Precious Family (부모님 전상서; 2004–2005)
- A Happy Woman (행복한 여자; 2007)
- The Golden Age of Daughters-in-Law (며느리 전성시대; 2007)
- Mom's Dead Upset (엄마가 뿔났다; 2008)
- My Too Perfect Sons (솔약국집 아들들; 2009)
- Three Brothers (수상한 삼형제; 2009–2010)
- Ojakgyo Family (오작교 형제들; 2011–2012)
- My Husband Got a Family (넝쿨째 굴러온 당신; 2012)
- My Daughter Seo-young (내 딸 서영이; 2012–2013)
- You're the Best, Lee Soon-shin (최고다 이순신; 2013)
- Wang's Family (왕가네 식구들; 2013–2014)
- Wonderful Days (참 좋은 시절; 2014)
- What's With This Family (가족끼리 왜 이래; 2014–2015)
- House of Bluebird (파랑새의 집; 2015)
- All About My Mom (부탁해요 엄마; 2015-2016)
- Five Enough (아이가 다섯; 2016)
KBS1 Saturday-Sunday dramas (21:45)
Inspired by Taiga drama from NHK of Japan, historical dramas began to air in 1981 with Daemyeong, a story about Hyojong of Joseon. The series usually airs about 50 minutes every Saturday and Sunday at 21:45.
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- Daemyeong (대명; 1981)
- Wind and Cloud (풍운; 1982)
- The Foundation (개국; 1983)
- Independence Gate (독립문; 1984)
- Dawn (새벽; 1985)
- Windfall (노다지; 1986-1987)
- Yi-hwa (이화; 1987)
- Land (토지; 1987-1989)
- And So Flows History (역사는 흐른다; 1989-1990)
- Dawn of the Day (여명의 그날; 1990)
- The Royal Way (왕도 (드라마); 1991)
- Flowers That Never Wilt (바람꽃은 시들지 않는다; 1991-1992)
- Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms (삼국기; 1992-1993)
- The Break of Dawn (먼동; 1993)
- Kim Gu (김구; 1995)
- Dazzling Dawn (찬란한 여명; 1995-1996)
- Tears of the Dragon (용의 눈물; 1996-1998)
- The King and Queen (왕과 비; 1998-2000)
- Emperor Wang Gun (태조 왕건; 2000-2002)
- The Dawn of the Empire (제국의 아침; 2002-2003)
- Age of Warriors (무인시대; 2003-2004
- Immortal Admiral Yi Sun-sin (불멸의 이순신; 2004–2005)
- Seoul 1945 (서울1945; 2006)
- Dae Jo-yeong (대조영; 2006–2007)
- King Sejong the Great (대왕세종; 2008) (ep 1-26 of 86)
- The Reputable Family (명가; 2010)
- The Great Merchant (거상 김만덕; 2010)
- Legend of the Patriots (전우; 2010)
- Freedom Fighter, Lee Hoe-young (자유인 이회영; 2010)
- The King of Legend (근초고왕; 2010–2011)
- Gwanggaeto, The Great Conqueror (광개토대왕; 2011-2012)
- The King's Dream (대왕의 꿈; 2012-2013)
- Jeong Do-jeon (정도전; 2014)
- The Jingbirok: A Memoir of Imjin War (징비록; 2015)
- Jang Yeong-sil (장영실; 2015-2016)
KBS2 Saturday-Sunday dramas (21:30)
- King Sejong the Great (대왕세종; 2008) (ep 27-86)
- Empress Cheonchu aka The Iron Empress (천추태후; 2009)
- Hot Blood (열혈장사꾼, 2009)
KBS1 Monday to Friday dramas (20:25)
For further details see Korean-language Wikipedia article: 한국방송공사 1TV 일일연속극.
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- Hopefully the Sky (하늘 바라기; 1995)
- Even If the Wind Blows (바람은 불어도; 1995-1996)
- Until We Can Love (사랑할때까지; 1996-1997)
- Because I Really (정 때문에; 1997)
- As We Live Our Lives (살다보면; 1998)
- My Love by My Side (내사랑 내곁에; 1998)
- Someone's House (사람의 집; 1999)
- Rising Sun, Rising Moon (해뜨고 달뜨고; 1999-2000)
- More Than Words Can Say (좋은걸 어떡해; 2000-2001)
- Tender Hearts (우리가 남인가요; 2001)
- This Is Love (사랑은 이런거야; 2001-2002)
- To Be with You (당신 옆이 좋아; 2002-2003)
- Yellow Handkerchief (노란 손수건; 2003)
- One Million Roses (백만송이 장미; 2003-2004)
- My Lovely Family (금쪽같은 내 새끼; 2004-2005)
- My Sweet Heart (어여쁜 당신; 2005)
- Bizarre Bunch (별난여자 별난남자; 2005–2006)
- Pure in Heart (열아홉 순정; 2006–2007)
- Like Land and Sky (하늘만큼 땅만큼; 2007)
- Likeable or Not (미우나고우나; 2007–2008)
- You Are My Destiny (너는 내 운명; 2008–2009)
- The Road Home (집으로 가는 길; 2009)
- Everybody Cha-cha-cha (다함께 차차차; 2009–2010)
- A Good Day for the Wind to Blow (바람 불어 좋은날; 2010)
- Smile Again (웃어라 동해야; 2010–2011)
- The Women of Our Home (우리집 여자들; 2011)
- Just You (당신 뿐이야; 2011-2012)
- The Moon and Stars for You (별도 달도 따줄게; 2012)
- Cheer Up, Mr. Kim! (힘내요 미스터 김; 2012-2013)
- Sincerity Moves Heaven (지성이면 감천; 2013)
- Melody of Love (사랑은 노래를 타고; 2013–2014)
- My Dear Cat (고양이는 있다! 야옹; 2014)
- You Are the Only One (당신만 내 사 랑; 2014–2015)
- Save the Family (가족을 지켜라; 2015)
- Sweet Home, Sweet Honey (우리집 꿀단지; 2015-2016)
- The Unusual Family (별난가족; 2016)
KBS2 Monday to Friday dramas (18:50)
- Unstoppable Marriage (못말리는 결혼; 2007–2008)
KBS2 Monday to Friday dramas (19:45)
- Family (패밀리; 2012–2013)
- Pure Love (일말의 순정; February 18 - August 14, 2013)
- Ruby Ring (루비 반지; 2013–2014)
- Angel's Revenge (천상여자; 2014)
- Two Mothers (뻐꾸기 둥지; 2014)
- Sweet Secret (달콤한 비밀; 2014)
- Love on a Rooftop (오늘부터 사랑해; 2015)
- All Is Well (다 잘될 거야; 2015)
- The Promise (천상의 약속; 2016)
KBS1 Monday to Saturday dramas (08:00)
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KBS2 Monday to Friday dramas (09:00)
- TV Novel: Dear My Sister (TV소설 복희 누나; 2011–2012)
- TV Novel: Love, My Love (TV소설 사랑아 사랑아; 2012–2013)
- TV Novel: Samsaengi (TV소설 삼생이; 2013)
- TV Novel: Eunhui (TV소설 은희; 2013–2014)
- TV Novel: Land of Gold (TV소설 순금의 땅; 2014)
- TV Novel: Single-minded Dandelion (TV소설 일편단심 민들레; 2014–2015)
- TV Novel: In Still Green Days (TV소설 그래도 푸르른 날에; 2015)
- TV Novel: Stardust (TV소설 별이 되어 빛나리; 2015)
KBS2 Sunday dramas (08:55)
- Sharp 2 (반올림2; 2005–2006)
KBS2 Saturday anthology (23:15)
- Drama City (드라마시티; 1984–2008)
- What Should I Do? (어떡하지?; 2004-11-07)
- Drama Special (드라마 스페셜; 2010)
- Pianist (피아니스트; 2010-11-27)
KBS2 Sunday anthology (23:15)
- Drama Special (드라마 스페셜; 2011–present)
- Do You Know Taekwondo? (태권, 도를 아십니까?; 2012-10-07)
- Drama Special Series (드라마 스페셜 연작시리즈; 2010–present)
- Rock, Rock, Rock (락 락 락; 2010)
- White Christmas (화이트 크리스마스; 2011)
- Adolescence Medley (사춘기 메들리; 2013)
Award shows
- KBS Special (KBS 스페셜)
- The Story of Korean History (한국사'전')
- Science Cafe (과학카페)
- Backpack Travels
- Age of Global Success
- World Heritage Expeditions
- Rediscovery of Korea
- Mysteries of Human Body
- Love in Asia
- Korean Dining and Cuisine
- Kingdom of Animals (동물의왕국)
- Insight on Asia (인사이트 아시아)
- The Noodle Road (누들로드)
- Asian Corridor in Heaven (차마고도)
- Documentary 3 Days
- Conversations with the Past (역사스페셜)
- Homo Academicus (공부하는 인간)
News and current affairs
- KBS News At 5 am (KBS 오전 5시 뉴스, Early morning news programme)
- KBS News Plaza (KBS 뉴스광장, KBS 1TV's Breakfast news programme)
- KBS News 930 (KBS 뉴스930, Mid-morning news programme)
- KBS News 12 (KBS 뉴스12, Midday news programme)
- KBS News Talk (KBS 뉴스토크, Afternoon news and talkshow, with business reports)
- KBS News 5 (KBS 뉴스5, Early evening news programme)
- KBS News 7 (KBS 뉴스7, Evening news programme with some local segments)
- KBS News 9 (KBS 뉴스9, Main news programme)
- KBS Newsline (KBS 뉴스라인, Nightly news programme)
- KBS Deadline News (0100) (KBS 마감뉴스 (0100), Weekend late night news programme)
- Midnight Debate-Live (생방송 심야토론. Saturday night debate programme)
- Media Focus (미디어 포커스. Mediawatch programme)
- Coverage-File K (취재파일 K. In-depth news coverage programme, formerly known as Coverage File 4321 (취재파일 4321))
- KBS News Ombudsman (KBS 뉴스 옴부즈맨, Sunday news monthly programme, broadcast every last Sunday of the month)
- Good Morning Republic Of Korea (굿모닝 대한민국, KBS 2TV's breakfast show)
- KBS 8 Morning News Time (KBS 8 아침 뉴스타임, KBS 2TV's breakfast news programme)
- KBS Global News (지구촌 뉴스, KBS world news programme)
- KBS Sports Time (KBS 스포츠 타임, Sports news)
- KBS News Time (KBS 뉴스타임, KBS 2TV's main news programme)
- KBS Global 24 (KBS 글로벌 24, another world news programme, with more in-depth reports)
- KBS Sunday News Time (KBS 일요 뉴스타임, Sunday news & talkshow)
KBS World
- News Today (The channel's only English news programme)
In October 2004, October 2007 and 2012 within frameworks of Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union 49th General Assembly KBS will host major international music festivals in KBS Hall in Seoul - First ABU TV and Radio Song Festivals.[1][2]
- 1 Night 2 Days(1박2일)
- 1 vs. 100 (1 대 100, South Korean version of Endemol game show with a top prize of ₩50,000,000; uses the 2006-07 United States format.)
- Beauty Bible 2015 F/M (뷰티 바이블 2015 F/M)
- Bonbangsasu (본방사수)
- Concert 17021 (콘서트17021)
- Entertainment Weekly
- Gag Concert (개그콘서트)
- Giving Back The Love
- Golden Bell Challenge
- Golden Oldies
- Happy Sunday (해피선데이)
- Happy Together (해피투게더 Season 3)
- Hello Counselor (대국민 토크쇼!! 안녕하세요)
- Imagination Plus (상상 플러스)
- Immortal Songs 2 (불후의 명곡 2)
- Invincible Youth
- Let's Go! Dream Team Season 2 (출발 드림팀 시즌2)
- Love Letter by Yun Do-hyeon (윤도현의 러브레터)
- Music Bank (뮤직뱅크) - broadcast from KBS New Wing Open Hall in Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul.[3]
- My Neighbor, Charles
- Open Concert
- Quiz Daehanminguk (means 'Quiz South Korea', the country's biggest quiz show. The top prize is 60,000,000 Won.))
- Saturday Freedom (자유선언 토요일)
- Star Golden Bell (스타 골든벨)
- Sponge (스펀지, Weekly 'Infotainment' programme)
- Super Design Market (수퍼 드자인 마켓)
- The Human Condition (인간의 조건)
- The Return of Superman
- Top Band (탑밴드)
- Triumphantly (승승장구)
- Vitamin (비타민)
- VJ's on the scene
- Win Win
- You Hee-Yeol's Sketchbook (유희열의 스케치북)
- Funny Funny (파니파니)
- Goosebumps (Former) (명소름닭살 )
- Erexion (이레자이온; 2006)
See also
- List of programs broadcast by Arirang TV
- List of programs broadcast by Educational Broadcasting System
- List of programs broadcast by Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation
- List of programs broadcast by Seoul Broadcasting System
- List of programs broadcast by JTBC
- List of programs broadcast by Maeil Broadcasting Network
- List of programs broadcast by Chosun Broadcasting Company
- List of programs broadcast by Channel A
- List of programs broadcast by tvN
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External links
- - Official KBS Website (Korean) (English)
- - Official KBS World Website
- Pages with reference errors
- Pages using columns-list with unknown parameters
- Articles with Korean-language external links
- Korean Broadcasting System television programmes
- Lists of television series by network
- Lists of South Korean media
- South Korean television-related lists
- Korean Broadcasting System television dramas