List of active Hellenic Navy ships

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This is a list of active ships of the Hellenic Navy.

Class (Type) Photo Name # Name in Greek Builder In Service Notes
Glavkos class
(Type 209/1100 Germany)
HS el
HS el
HS el
S 111
S 112
S 113
Υ/Β Νηρεύς
Υ/Β Τρίτων
Υ/Β Πρωτεύς
GermanyHowaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft 3 1970s boats with "Neptune I" upgrades to install flank sonars etc; HS Glavkos retired 2011
Poseidon class
(Type 209/1200 Germany)
HS el
HS el
HS el
S 116
S 117
S 119
Υ/Β Ποσειδών
Υ/Β Αμφιτρίτη
Υ/Β Πόντος
GermanyHowaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft 3 "Neptune II" upgrade including Air-Independent Propulsion (AIP) insert was cancelled for late 1970s boats
Okeanos class
(ex-Type 209/1400 AIP Germany / Greece)
HS el
S 118
Υ/Β Ωκεανός
GermanyHowaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft/Greece Hellenic Shipyards Co. (for Neptune II upgrades) 1 Program "Neptune II". Upgrades and refits, including AIP capabilities, are so extensive justifying the S 118 boat as a new and separate class when compared to the rest of Type 209/1200 vessels.
Papanikolis class
(Type 214 Germany / Greece)
S-120 Papanikolis 3.jpg HS el
HS el
HS el
HS el
** HS ???
** HS ???
S 120
S 121
S 122
S 123
S 124
S 125
Υ/Β Παπανικολής
Υ/Β Πιπίνος
Υ/Β Ματρώζος
Υ/Β Κατσώνης
Υ/Β ???
Υ/Β ???
GermanyHDW, Kiel (S120)
GreeceHellenic Shipyards (rest)
4 (+2?) Boat S 123 is currently under construction and is expected to become part of the fleet by 2016. Remote possibility for two more boats to be built in the future.
Hydra class
(Type: Meko-200HN Germany)[1]
F452Hydra.jpg HS Hydra
HS Spetsai
HS Psara
HS Salamis
F 452
F 453
F 454
F 455
Φ/Γ Ύδρα
Φ/Γ Σπέτσαι
Φ/Γ Ψαρά
Φ/Γ Σαλαμίς
Germany Blohm and Voss, Hamburg (Hydra)
Greece Hellenic Shipyards Co. (rest)
4 As of February 2015 the intention was to modernise them with a much-delayed €400m upgrade that would extend their lives to 2035.[2]
Elli class Netherlands 20080702-Faliron-HS Kanaris-F464.jpg HS Elli
HS el
HS el
HS el
HS el
HS nl (Kountouriotis:HS Kountouriotis (2003)|Greek frigate Kountouriotis (F-462)|Kountouriotis)
HS Kanaris
HS el
HS nl (Nikiforos Fokas:HS Nikiforos Fokas|Greek frigate Nikiforos Fokas (F-466)|Nikiforos Fokas)
F 450
F 451
F 459
F 460
F 461
F 462
F 464
F 465
F 466
Φ/Γ 'Ελλη
Φ/Γ Λήμνος
Φ/Γ Αδρίας
Φ/Γ Αιγαίον
Φ/Γ Ναυαρίνον
Φ/Γ Κουντουριώτης
Φ/Γ Κανάρης
Φ/Γ Θεμιστοκλής
Φ/Γ Νικηφόρος Φωκάς
Netherlands Netherlands Koninklijke 9 Upgraded Kortenaer-class frigate, Elli (F-450) & F Limnos (F 451) were sold to Greece during construction, the rest were bought from the Dutch Navy. Modernization of six frigates of the S Class completed by the end of 2010.[3]
Fast Attack Craft / Missile Boats
Roussen class
(Type: Super-Vita United Kingdom / Greece)
20091205-Piraeus-P67 Roussen.jpg HS Roussen
HS Daniolos
HS Krystallidis
HS Grigoropoulos
HS Ritsos
HS Karathanasis
HS Vlahakos
P 67
P 68
P 69
P 70
P 71
P 72
P 73
ΤΠΚ Ρουσσέν
ΤΠΚ Δανίολος
ΤΠΚ Κρυσταλλίδης
ΤΠΚ Γρηγορόπουλος
ΤΠΚ Ρίτσος
ΤΠΚ Καραθανάσης
ΤΠΚ Βλαχάκος
Greece Elefsis Shipyards 5 (+2) Armed with Exocet MM40; five vessels are in active service. The remaining ships (P 72 and P 73) are under construction and scheduled to be in active service by 2017.
Laskos class
(Type: La Combattante III France)
HS Laskos
HS Blessas
HS Mykonios
HS Troupakis
P 20
P 21
P 22
P 23
ΤΠΚ Λάσκος
ΤΠΚ Μπλέσσας
ΤΠΚ Μυκόνιος
ΤΠΚ Τρουπάκης
Greece Elefsis Shipyards 4 Upgraded (2006) and fitted with MM38 Exocets. Retrofits and repairs are performed on vessel P 22 and will be delivered by mid-2016.
Kavaloudis class
(Type: La Combattante IIIb France)
HS Kavaloudis
HS Degiannis
HS Xenos
HS Simitzopoulos
HS Starakis
P 24
P 26
P 27
P 28
P 29
ΤΠΚ Καβαλούδης
ΤΠΚ Ντεγιάννης
ΤΠΚ Ξένος
ΤΠΚ Σιμιτζόπουλος
ΤΠΚ Σταράκης
Greece Hellenic Shipyards Co. 5 Upgraded (2006-2011) and currently fitted with P24-P29 Penguins (Mk2/Mod3). All vessels to be fitted with Harpoon missiles by the end of 2015 as Penguins approach end-of-life.
Votsis class
(Type: La Combattante IIa France
also known as "Type 148")
20080702-Faliron-P73-Pezopoulos (cropped).jpg HS el
HS el
HS el
P 72
P 73
P 75
ΤΠΚ Βότσης
ΤΠΚ Πεζόπουλος
ΤΠΚ Μαριδάκης
France Constructions Mécaniques de Normandie 3 Fitted with Exocet MM38.
Denmark Osprey 55
Greece HSY-55

Greece Osprey HSY-56A
HS Aittitos P-268 in Kos.JPG HS el
HS el
HS Kasos
HS Polemistis
HS Machitis
HS Nikiphoros
HS Aittitos
HS Krataios
P 18
P 19
P 57
P 61
P 266
P 267
P 268
P 269
Κ/Φ Αρματωλός
Κ/Φ Ναυμάχος
Κ/Φ Κάσος
Κ/Φ Πολεμιστής
Κ/Φ Μαχητής
Κ/Φ Νικηφόρος
Κ/Φ Αήττητος
Κ/Φ Κραταιός
Greece Hellenic Shipyards Co. 8 Both HSY-55 and Osprey HSY-56A classes are designed by the Hellenic Navy following a modular concept so that weapons and sensors can be changed as required; can be fitted with Harpoon missiles.
United States Asheville HS Tolmi (P229) mail transfer.jpg HS el
HS el
P 229
P 230
Κ/Φ Τόλμη
Κ/Φ Ορμή
United States Peterson Builders 2 HS "Tolmi" is ex USN USS Green Bay (PG-101).[4]
HS "Hormi" is ex USN USS Beacon (PG-99).[5]
Replenishment Ships
Auxiliary Vessels
Italy Class: Etna (AOR)
Prometheus A374.jpg HS el A 374 ΠΓΥ Προμηθεύς Greece Elefsis Shipyards 1
Replenishment Ships
Germany Class: 701C (Type: Lüneburg)
20080702-Faliron-A464-Axios.jpg HS el
HS el
A 464
A 470
Π/Φ Αξιός
Π/Φ Αλιάκμων
Germany Blohm + Voss 2
Oil Tankers HS Zeus
HS Ouranos
HS Hyperion
HS Orion
A 375
A 416
A 417
A 376
Π/Φ Ζεύς
Π/Φ Ουρανός
Π/Φ Υπερίων
Π/Φ Ωρίων
Water Tankers HS Kalliroe
HS Trichonis
HS Doirani
HS Kerkini
HS Prespa
HS Stymphalia
A 468
A 466
A 476
A 433
A 434
A 469
Υ/Φ Καλλιρόη
Υ/Φ Τριχωνίς
Υ/Φ Δοϊράνη
Υ/Φ Κερκίνη
Υ/Φ Πρέσπα
Υ/Φ Στυμφαλία
Greece Aulida shipyards 6
Tank Landing Ships
Greece Jason LST 20080702-Faliron L-173 HS Chios.jpg HS Chios
HS Samos
HS Ikaria
HS Lesvos
HS Rodos
L 173
L 174
L 175
L 176
L 177
Α/Γ Χίος
Α/Γ Σάμος
Α/Γ Ικαρία
Α/Γ Λέσβος
Α/Γ Ρόδος
Greece Hellenic Shipyards Co. 5 Capable of transporting 287 troops plus 22 battle tanks or any other combination of other armored vehicles.
Russia Zubr el
L 180
L 181
L 182
L 183
ΠΤΜ Κεφαλληνία
ΠΤΜ Ιθάκη
ΠΤΜ Κέρκυρα
ΠΤΜ Ζάκυνθος
4[6] Military lift of total 130 tonnes of cargo with 3 battle tanks, 8 armored vehicles, 10 personnel carriers and 140 troops or combinations of those. Speed of 40 knots when fully loaded.
LCU (Type: 520) HS Ios
HS Paros
HS Sikinos
HS Irakleia
HS Pholegandros
L 167
L 179
L 168
L 169
L 170
Α/Β 'Ιος
Α/Β Πάρος
Α/Β Σίκινος
Α/Β Ηρακλειά
Α/Β Φολέγανδρος
2 According to the official Hellenic Navy website, only HS Paros and HS Pholegandros are still operational.
Transport Ships
Greece Class: Pandora
ex-Germany LCU (Type: 520)
20070620-Piraeus-HS Pandora.jpg HS Pandora
HS Pandrosos
HS Naxos
HS Serifos
A 419
A 420
L 178
L 195
ΠΜΠ Πανδώρα
ΠΜΠ Πάνδροσος
ΠΜΠ Νάξος
ΠΜΠ Σέριφος
Greece Perama Shipyards/
Germany Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft
4 PTV "Naxos" and PTV "Serifos" are converted LCUs.
Patrol Boats
Norway Tjeld (Type: Nasty)
(Type: Esterel)
Kos Diopos Antoniou P 286.JPG HS Andromeda
HS Kyknos
HS Pegasus
HS Toxotis
HS Diopos Antoniou
HS Kelevstis Stamou
P 196
P 198
P 199
P 228
Ρ 286
Ρ 287
ΠΠ Ανδρομέδα
ΠΠ Κύκνος
ΠΠ Πήγασος
ΠΠ Τοξότης
ΠΠ Κ/Β Δίοπος Αντωνίου
ΠΠ Κ/Β Κελευστής Στάμου
6 Formerly called: torpedo boats.
United Kingdom Hunt
 USA Osprey
HS Evropi
HS Kallisto
HS Evniki
HS Kalypso
M 62
M 63
M 61
M 64
Ν/ΘΗ Ευρώπη
Ν/ΘΗ Καλλιστώ
Ν/Α Ευνίκη
Ν/Α Καλυψώ
United Kingdom Vosper Thorneycroft/United States Avondale Shipyard, Intermarine USA 4 HS "Europa" is ex RN HMS Bicester, M-36.
HS "Kalypso" is ex RN HMS Berkeley, M-40.
HS "Evniki" is ex USN USS Pelican, MHC-53.[7]
HS "Kalypso" is ex USN USS Heron, MHC-52.[8]

Two more Hunters Class Osprey are expected to be commissioned in the HN
in the near future, the USS Osprey (MHC-51) and USS Robin (MHC-54). See S. 3052: Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2008 for details.[9] The Congress of the USA approved the transfer on September 10, 2008.

Torpedo Retrievers
Class: 430/430A HS Arachthos
HS Evrotas
HS Nestos
A 461
A 460
A 463
ΠΑΤ Αραχθός
ΠΑΤ Ευρώτας
ΠΑΤ Νέστος
Miscellaneous Ships
Oceanographic & Scientific Research HS Navtilus.jpg HS Naftilos
HS Pytheas
HS Strabon
HS Akatos 14
A 478
A 474
A 476
AΚ 14
Υ/Γ-Ω/Κ Ναυτίλος
Υ/Γ-Ω/Κ Πυθέας
Υ/Γ-Ω/Κ Στράβων
Υ/Γ-Ω/Κ Άκατος 14
Net/Buoy Tender HS Thetis (AN 103) A 307 ΦΘ Θέτις Germany 1
Lighthouse Tenders 20071025-Piraeus-A479-0028.jpg HS Karavogiannos
HS el
A 479
A 481
ΠΦΑ Καραβόγιαννος
ΠΦΑ Λυκούδης
Memorial Ships
Pisa-class Armoured Cruiser Averof Today2.jpg HS Georgios Averof - Θ/Κ Γεώργιος Αβέρωφ 1 Museum ship. The ship is regarded as in active service, carrying the Rear Admiral's Rank Flag. It is the only Armored cruiser worldwide still in existence.
Fletcher-class destroyer Velos D16.jpg HS Velos - A/Τ ΒΕΛΟΣ D-16 1 Museum ship. The ship is regarded as in active service. The ex-USS Charrette, she is preserved at Faliro Bay (Marina Flisvou) as the Museum of the struggle against the dictatorship, following its role in a 1973 mutiny.
Trireme Olympias.1.JPG HS Olympias - Τριήρης Ολυμπιάς 1 Olympias is a reconstruction of an ancient Athenian trireme. She is hand-built and considered in active service.[10]
Tugboat HS Aias
HS Gigas
HS Danaos
HS Iason
HS Minos
HS Nestor
HS Pelias
HS Persefs
HS Adamastos
HS Atrefs
HS Atromitos
HS Achillefs
HS Diomidis
HS Odyssefs
HS Romaleos
HS Thisefs
A 412
A 432
A 427
A 424
A 436
A 421
A 437
A 429
A 411
A 439
A 410
A 409
A 440
A 425
A 442
A 441
Ρ/Κ Αίας
Ρ/Κ Γίγας
Ρ/Κ Δαναός
Ρ/Κ Ιάσων
Ρ/Κ Μίνως
Ρ/Κ Νέστωρ
Ρ/Κ Πελίας
Ρ/Κ Περσεύς
Ρ/Κ Αδάμαστος
Ρ/Κ Ατρεύς
Ρ/Κ Ατρόμητος
Ρ/Κ Αχιλλεύς
Ρ/Κ Διομήδης
Ρ/Κ Οδυσσεύς
Ρ/Κ Ρωμαλέος
Ρ/Κ Θησεύς
17 The Navy operates a mixed fleet of tugboats based at the two major naval docks of Salamis and Souda Bay. The list includes both open sea and harbour tugboats.

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See also


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  6. Hellenic Navy "Other Ships"
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